Authors :
Mita Tiana; Bedjo Santoso; Tri Wiyatini; Melyana Nurul Widyawati; Masrifan Djamil
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Pregnancy is a physiological process that causes
changes in the female physiologically such as weight gain
and swelling of the gums caused by an increase in the
hormones extrogen and progesterone. These changes can
improve vascularity and changes in the walls of gingiva
blood vessels so that they become more permeable and
can improve inflammatory processes and are exacerbated
by poor dental and oral hygiene maintenance behavior.
Dental and oral diseases that often occur in pregnant
women are gingivitis and periodontitis, such diseases can
affect pregnancy such as: BBLR, premature and preeclampsia. Stategi overcome this problem through dental
health education with media rocks used one of them
technology-based media.
Purpose of Study.
To Produced a model of dental and oral health
education (E-KGM) based on android as an effort to
change the behavior of brushing teeth in pregnant
Research and Development (R&D) which is a mixmethod (qualitative and quantitative). Test model using
quasy-experimental Non Randomized Control Group
Pretest and Posttest method. Respondents numbered 29
people per group.
The feasibility test of E-KGM model application
obtained an average value of 91.3 (very feasible). in both
groups after effective treatment improved knowledge,
attitude and skills of brushing teeth in pregnant women
(p < 0.05). The average difference (∆) of the intervention
group (knowledge 2.69) (attitude 4.96) (skills 1.93) of the
control group (knowledge 1.24) (attitude 4.89) (skill 0.90)
can be concluded that the average value of the difference
in the intervention group is greater than in the control
Android-based E-KGM application is effective in im
p proving the behavior of brushing teeth in pre r gnant
women. The use of education using E-KKGM is more
effective than video.
Keywords :
Pregnant Women, Dental and Oral Health Education Model (E-KGM), Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills
Pregnancy is a physiological process that causes
changes in the female physiologically such as weight gain
and swelling of the gums caused by an increase in the
hormones extrogen and progesterone. These changes can
improve vascularity and changes in the walls of gingiva
blood vessels so that they become more permeable and
can improve inflammatory processes and are exacerbated
by poor dental and oral hygiene maintenance behavior.
Dental and oral diseases that often occur in pregnant
women are gingivitis and periodontitis, such diseases can
affect pregnancy such as: BBLR, premature and preeclampsia. Stategi overcome this problem through dental
health education with media rocks used one of them
technology-based media.
Purpose of Study.
To Produced a model of dental and oral health
education (E-KGM) based on android as an effort to
change the behavior of brushing teeth in pregnant
Research and Development (R&D) which is a mixmethod (qualitative and quantitative). Test model using
quasy-experimental Non Randomized Control Group
Pretest and Posttest method. Respondents numbered 29
people per group.
The feasibility test of E-KGM model application
obtained an average value of 91.3 (very feasible). in both
groups after effective treatment improved knowledge,
attitude and skills of brushing teeth in pregnant women
(p < 0.05). The average difference (∆) of the intervention
group (knowledge 2.69) (attitude 4.96) (skills 1.93) of the
control group (knowledge 1.24) (attitude 4.89) (skill 0.90)
can be concluded that the average value of the difference
in the intervention group is greater than in the control
Android-based E-KGM application is effective in im
p proving the behavior of brushing teeth in pre r gnant
women. The use of education using E-KKGM is more
effective than video.
Keywords :
Pregnant Women, Dental and Oral Health Education Model (E-KGM), Knowledge, Attitude, and Skills