Application of Gestalt Theory in Interior Design Dinas Perpustakaan Dan Kearsipan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Barat (DISPUSIPDA)

Authors : Grace Natalia Simbolon; Dr.Ir. James ED Rilatupa; Dr. Yophie Septiady

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Interior design is a form of function and utility value that does not only focus on how to create or design a form of object function in each room. More than the design and creation of architectural design, how the interior design itself still sees and has a beautiful and impressive artistic value in every funcstion and element in every corner of the space in a building. An interior designer can also provide distinctive characteristics that have value compared to other creations. The space or environment that is occupied (physical) and seen (visual), must be planned through an analysis of human behavior and what functions support a space. Human behavior is psychological and social. Environmental stimuli received by the body seem to cause certain behaviors that appear automatically without the need for cognitive processing. This holistic approach inspired the development of Gestalt Psychology which is also the soul and spirit of the field of Architectural Psychology. hearing, taste, smell and touch while in the library reading room affects psychological responses such as: smell, rhythm or tone, color, light, temperature. In today's era of life, humans bring changes from time to time that have an impact on the progress of civilization, Science and Technology and various types of media. This also affects changes in terms of service in the Bandung regional library which is developed with a digital library. The advancement of information technology today has a very large impact on changes in character and behavioral patterns in seeking information so that this is also a factor in reducing interest in visiting the library. The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not there was an influence of the application of Gestalt theory in library interior design, to determine the influence of color, lighting, circulation and others, especially in the library reading room based on psychology, to determine the influence of the digital era also affects psychology. Can apply Gestalt theory in library interior design, especially reading rooms with sensory influences so that psychological effects through visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory systems in interior spaces and are useful for users to stay relaxed, concentrate, create a peaceful atmosphere even though the influence of developments in the era of globalization that change psychological patterns from visual space to virtual space. With Gestalt Theory, it can provide an assessment of spontaneous organizational perceptions originating from sensory input to the brain, providing an important basic understanding that users/readers can gain insights such as a sense of comfort with a good mood, adding value to the use of a room function, and increasing the growth of potential abilities to recognize and learn from a room. Interior design, especially in the context of interior design, involves creating a cohesive and functional space that enhances the user experience.

Keywords : Gestalt Theory, Interior Design, Library.

References :

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Interior design is a form of function and utility value that does not only focus on how to create or design a form of object function in each room. More than the design and creation of architectural design, how the interior design itself still sees and has a beautiful and impressive artistic value in every funcstion and element in every corner of the space in a building. An interior designer can also provide distinctive characteristics that have value compared to other creations. The space or environment that is occupied (physical) and seen (visual), must be planned through an analysis of human behavior and what functions support a space. Human behavior is psychological and social. Environmental stimuli received by the body seem to cause certain behaviors that appear automatically without the need for cognitive processing. This holistic approach inspired the development of Gestalt Psychology which is also the soul and spirit of the field of Architectural Psychology. hearing, taste, smell and touch while in the library reading room affects psychological responses such as: smell, rhythm or tone, color, light, temperature. In today's era of life, humans bring changes from time to time that have an impact on the progress of civilization, Science and Technology and various types of media. This also affects changes in terms of service in the Bandung regional library which is developed with a digital library. The advancement of information technology today has a very large impact on changes in character and behavioral patterns in seeking information so that this is also a factor in reducing interest in visiting the library. The purpose of the study was to determine whether or not there was an influence of the application of Gestalt theory in library interior design, to determine the influence of color, lighting, circulation and others, especially in the library reading room based on psychology, to determine the influence of the digital era also affects psychology. Can apply Gestalt theory in library interior design, especially reading rooms with sensory influences so that psychological effects through visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory systems in interior spaces and are useful for users to stay relaxed, concentrate, create a peaceful atmosphere even though the influence of developments in the era of globalization that change psychological patterns from visual space to virtual space. With Gestalt Theory, it can provide an assessment of spontaneous organizational perceptions originating from sensory input to the brain, providing an important basic understanding that users/readers can gain insights such as a sense of comfort with a good mood, adding value to the use of a room function, and increasing the growth of potential abilities to recognize and learn from a room. Interior design, especially in the context of interior design, involves creating a cohesive and functional space that enhances the user experience.

Keywords : Gestalt Theory, Interior Design, Library.

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