Application of Image Processing in Real World

Authors : Dr. Pharindra Kumar Sharma; Ramdev Singh

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Image processing is a hot topic in ten-year research. Digital Image Processing Areas that use image information to identify, process data for the storage, conversion and implementation of an independent vision for the machine. Our aim is to explain the importance of image processing, as well as the tools and processes in use in different areas.

Keywords : Processing, Image Enhancement, Machine Vision, Digital Image, Visual System

Image processing is a hot topic in ten-year research. Digital Image Processing Areas that use image information to identify, process data for the storage, conversion and implementation of an independent vision for the machine. Our aim is to explain the importance of image processing, as well as the tools and processes in use in different areas.

Keywords : Processing, Image Enhancement, Machine Vision, Digital Image, Visual System

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