Authors :
Ceria Thalia Sumanti; Sri Pare Eni; Ramos Pasaribu
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Hotels are something that is now liked and
even a necessity for some people. The hotel is not just a
place to stop, but also has various functions, depending on
who the hotel is used for. The hotel which originally had
the main function as accommodation has now expanded
to a recreational function. Directly. Proportional to the
increasing number of customers, the need for hotels is also
increasing. In order to maintain the quality of its services
while maintaining its standing place, Green Architecture
is here as an answer to this problem. Green Architecture
which is essentially an effort to minimize the impact of
development on the environment, with all the current
developments in science and materials is considered
capable of being juxtaposed with the demands and even
needs of the community for hotel buildings.
Keywords :
Hotel, Green Architecture.
References :
- Building Physics Book 1 – Nur Laela Latifah, ST. MT.
- Monica E. Kuhn dan Brad Bass “Benefits, Barriers and Opportunities for Green Roof and Vertical Garden Technology
- SNI 03-6572-2001
-!@file_artikel_abstrak/Isi_Artikel_1 31690327502.pdf
- Muhammad Syafiq, Vertical Park Design in Urban Dense Corridors with a Sustainable Urban Landscape Approach, 2017
- https:// Penelitian-Kualitatif.html
Hotels are something that is now liked and
even a necessity for some people. The hotel is not just a
place to stop, but also has various functions, depending on
who the hotel is used for. The hotel which originally had
the main function as accommodation has now expanded
to a recreational function. Directly. Proportional to the
increasing number of customers, the need for hotels is also
increasing. In order to maintain the quality of its services
while maintaining its standing place, Green Architecture
is here as an answer to this problem. Green Architecture
which is essentially an effort to minimize the impact of
development on the environment, with all the current
developments in science and materials is considered
capable of being juxtaposed with the demands and even
needs of the community for hotel buildings.
Keywords :
Hotel, Green Architecture.