Artificial Intelligence in Human Resource Management: Opportunities, Risks, and Ethical Implications in the Indian Context

Authors : Manjima Mathur; Anshumali Pandey

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The development of Artificial Intelligence and automation has done a lot of change to some sectors, and the Human Resource Management sector is not an exception. The following paper discusses how AI affects various areas of human resource management, such as staffing, employee handling, and decision making in the organization (Arslan et al., 2021) (Kshetri, 2021) (Saxena, 2020). Evidence from previous literature indicates that there are benefits of implementing AI in the HR department for optimizing the use of processes/k workforce experience and overall performance (Saxena, 2020)( Arslan et al., 2021). The variables expounded in the paper include the identification of AI in the Indian context of Human resource management that include; elimination of Bias in recruiting, Personalized learning and Development, and Data driven decision making. Further, the paper provides the analyses of the opportunity and risk of AI in HRM and the ethical issue such as job loss, privacy, and transparency. Therefore, the results of this paper can help HR professionals and organisations to understand how and when to embed AI technologies in their human resource management strategies for success.

Keywords : AI, HRM, Automation, Business, Policies, Technologies, Learning, Development.

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The development of Artificial Intelligence and automation has done a lot of change to some sectors, and the Human Resource Management sector is not an exception. The following paper discusses how AI affects various areas of human resource management, such as staffing, employee handling, and decision making in the organization (Arslan et al., 2021) (Kshetri, 2021) (Saxena, 2020). Evidence from previous literature indicates that there are benefits of implementing AI in the HR department for optimizing the use of processes/k workforce experience and overall performance (Saxena, 2020)( Arslan et al., 2021). The variables expounded in the paper include the identification of AI in the Indian context of Human resource management that include; elimination of Bias in recruiting, Personalized learning and Development, and Data driven decision making. Further, the paper provides the analyses of the opportunity and risk of AI in HRM and the ethical issue such as job loss, privacy, and transparency. Therefore, the results of this paper can help HR professionals and organisations to understand how and when to embed AI technologies in their human resource management strategies for success.

Keywords : AI, HRM, Automation, Business, Policies, Technologies, Learning, Development.

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