Assessing Deployment of Science, Technology & Innovation in Catalysing Sustainable Water Services Provision in Nairobi City County, Kenya: Case of Soweto Kayole Jisomee Mita

Authors : Patrick Ouma; Ezekiel Nyangeri; Dr. Simpson Osano

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 11 - November

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Abstract : - More than 40% of Kenya’s population depend on unimproved water sources and water and sanitation challenges are prominent in the informal settlements characterised by poor infrastructure of piped water. Deploying science technology and innovation (STI) interventions can help residents of Nairobi City County and Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) with more efficient, innovative, and profitable water services provision. The study assessed the successes and challenges of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision, water services infrastructure development, utilization and management and recommendations for possible adoption and uptake of the emerging innovations and technologies for improved and efficient management of water services provision. The researcher used a descriptive survey design and analysis, relying on a qualitative approach to capture detailed information about the perceptions and dominant narratives on the role and impact of deployment of STI in accelerating progress toward meeting SDG 6. 320 residents were interviewed including 10 landlords, seven staff from NCWSC and two World Bank (WB) staff. Also interviewed were local water vendors, operators and community representatives. Descriptive statistics and correlational analysis used to analyse the data and descriptive statistics used to interpret the findings. Inferential statistics used to establish the level of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision while addressing issues on water services development, utilization and management. Main finding is that factual evidence in which STI infrastructure plans and deployments aligned to organizational and institutional visions do not always sometimes conform to situations and realities on the ground especially by the final beneficiaries. The initiative has proved feasible for the informal settlement and can be enhanced by deployment of STI enabled digital tools for existing public structures and institutions; institutional strengthening, financial and STI pro poor innovations and community engagement and subsequently improved transparency and accountability

Keywords : Innovative Financing; Emerging Technologies and Innovations; Sustainable Water Services.

- More than 40% of Kenya’s population depend on unimproved water sources and water and sanitation challenges are prominent in the informal settlements characterised by poor infrastructure of piped water. Deploying science technology and innovation (STI) interventions can help residents of Nairobi City County and Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company (NCWSC) with more efficient, innovative, and profitable water services provision. The study assessed the successes and challenges of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision, water services infrastructure development, utilization and management and recommendations for possible adoption and uptake of the emerging innovations and technologies for improved and efficient management of water services provision. The researcher used a descriptive survey design and analysis, relying on a qualitative approach to capture detailed information about the perceptions and dominant narratives on the role and impact of deployment of STI in accelerating progress toward meeting SDG 6. 320 residents were interviewed including 10 landlords, seven staff from NCWSC and two World Bank (WB) staff. Also interviewed were local water vendors, operators and community representatives. Descriptive statistics and correlational analysis used to analyse the data and descriptive statistics used to interpret the findings. Inferential statistics used to establish the level of deployment of STI in catalysing sustainable water services provision while addressing issues on water services development, utilization and management. Main finding is that factual evidence in which STI infrastructure plans and deployments aligned to organizational and institutional visions do not always sometimes conform to situations and realities on the ground especially by the final beneficiaries. The initiative has proved feasible for the informal settlement and can be enhanced by deployment of STI enabled digital tools for existing public structures and institutions; institutional strengthening, financial and STI pro poor innovations and community engagement and subsequently improved transparency and accountability

Keywords : Innovative Financing; Emerging Technologies and Innovations; Sustainable Water Services.

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