Assessment of Groundwater Potential using Geophysical Techniques in Some Part of OFU Local Government Kogi State, North Central Nigeria


Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The groundwater potential of Some part in Ofu Local government Kogi State was investigated using vertical electrical sounding method. A total number of 20 vertical electrical sounding data were acquired using Schlumberger array configuration. The data obtained were iterated using IPI2WIN software from which the geoelectric parameters (Resistivity, thickness and depth) were obtained. A total of 4-5 earth modeled layers were delineated which include, Topsoil, clay, sandy clay, sandstone and water-saturated sand layers were identified. Resistivity values for topsoil ranges from 1103-294 Ωm with depth varying from of 0.146-1.61m; sandstone with resistivity values 2964-9655 Ωm with depth varying from 0.364- 59.86m; clay with 135-2006 Ωm and depth 0.788-11.0m; sandyclay with 927-7111 Ωm with depth 0.364-59.86m; clayeysand of 224-2238 Ωm with depth 1.29-10.4m. Overburden thickness varied significantly with a range between 7.33-80m. Thin overburden layers (<20m) were found at VES 13 and 15.Moderate overburden layers (20-40m). Thick overburden layers (40-80m) and very thick layers (>80m) were identified at VES 4 and 19. The usage of VES technique has suggested future boreholes in the area should be drilled at an expected depth of 42.8 m to 112 m depth.

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The groundwater potential of Some part in Ofu Local government Kogi State was investigated using vertical electrical sounding method. A total number of 20 vertical electrical sounding data were acquired using Schlumberger array configuration. The data obtained were iterated using IPI2WIN software from which the geoelectric parameters (Resistivity, thickness and depth) were obtained. A total of 4-5 earth modeled layers were delineated which include, Topsoil, clay, sandy clay, sandstone and water-saturated sand layers were identified. Resistivity values for topsoil ranges from 1103-294 Ωm with depth varying from of 0.146-1.61m; sandstone with resistivity values 2964-9655 Ωm with depth varying from 0.364- 59.86m; clay with 135-2006 Ωm and depth 0.788-11.0m; sandyclay with 927-7111 Ωm with depth 0.364-59.86m; clayeysand of 224-2238 Ωm with depth 1.29-10.4m. Overburden thickness varied significantly with a range between 7.33-80m. Thin overburden layers (<20m) were found at VES 13 and 15.Moderate overburden layers (20-40m). Thick overburden layers (40-80m) and very thick layers (>80m) were identified at VES 4 and 19. The usage of VES technique has suggested future boreholes in the area should be drilled at an expected depth of 42.8 m to 112 m depth.

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