Assessment of Non-Govermental Organizations Engagement with the Government in promoting Girl Child Education in Seme and Kisumu West Sub-Counties, Kenya

Authors : By Faith Chelagat; Barack Calvince Omondi; Jane Khasoa Lusenaka

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : Attaining a gender-balanced development environment is an essential step to reaching the worldwide clarion call of “leaving nobody at the back ”. Multi-sectorial strategies for gender mainstreaming in training have been widely followed, however, the gender parity gap is protracted in developing international locations. The government of Kenya has partnered with special actors including NGOs in bridging the gender disparity gaps in training. The disproportionately low retention, high dropout, and consequent poor performance in school amongst teenage girlshave been a culprit in exacerbating the gender disparity in training regardless of the introduction of free basic education in Kenya. Dropout cases were higher amongst girls than boys, especially in counties with excessive levels of child rights abuses like Kisumu. The position of non-state actors like Plan International is important in offering an alternative and more secure mastering environment for girls. Therefore, this takes a look at the awareness of the programsand roles of Plan International and DREAMS as non-governmental organizations to sell gender equality by upholding the training rights of the women in Kisumu. The primary goal is to study the effectiveness of non-governmental Organizations in promoting the rights to education of young girls in Kisumu County. The study used the Human Rights Approach theory. This observation will appoint a combined strategy case study design to have a look at Plan International and DREAMS’ support applications. The study was undertaken in Kisumu County in two sub-counties Seme and Kisumu West. The study population enlisted 374 young girls and adolescent girls purposively sampled from the two sub-counties who are beneficiaries of the 2 NGOs. To enable information triangulation, the researcher conducted key informant interviews amongst pinnacle management of those NGOs, women leaders in strategic positions, beneficiaries of NGO applications, and Sub-County administrators of Gender, Youths, and Personswith Disabilities (PWDs). A unique sampling technique was used to analyze quantitive and qualitativedata. The study's consciousness became around four signs revealing the findings.Awareness of both two organizations' activitieswhere the study was carried out reveals majority of the respondents (80.3%) are aware of the operations of Plan International while (18.6%) are aware of the operations of DREAMS and 1.1% are aware of the operations of both organizations: The engagement of the organizations by both National and County government levels; The effectiveness of the support offered to the girlchild within the two Sub- Counties named; and lastly how the two organizations engage with both levels of the government to keep the girl child in school.

Keywords : Approaches, Plan International and DREAMS, engagement, governmental departments,education, child rights.

Attaining a gender-balanced development environment is an essential step to reaching the worldwide clarion call of “leaving nobody at the back ”. Multi-sectorial strategies for gender mainstreaming in training have been widely followed, however, the gender parity gap is protracted in developing international locations. The government of Kenya has partnered with special actors including NGOs in bridging the gender disparity gaps in training. The disproportionately low retention, high dropout, and consequent poor performance in school amongst teenage girlshave been a culprit in exacerbating the gender disparity in training regardless of the introduction of free basic education in Kenya. Dropout cases were higher amongst girls than boys, especially in counties with excessive levels of child rights abuses like Kisumu. The position of non-state actors like Plan International is important in offering an alternative and more secure mastering environment for girls. Therefore, this takes a look at the awareness of the programsand roles of Plan International and DREAMS as non-governmental organizations to sell gender equality by upholding the training rights of the women in Kisumu. The primary goal is to study the effectiveness of non-governmental Organizations in promoting the rights to education of young girls in Kisumu County. The study used the Human Rights Approach theory. This observation will appoint a combined strategy case study design to have a look at Plan International and DREAMS’ support applications. The study was undertaken in Kisumu County in two sub-counties Seme and Kisumu West. The study population enlisted 374 young girls and adolescent girls purposively sampled from the two sub-counties who are beneficiaries of the 2 NGOs. To enable information triangulation, the researcher conducted key informant interviews amongst pinnacle management of those NGOs, women leaders in strategic positions, beneficiaries of NGO applications, and Sub-County administrators of Gender, Youths, and Personswith Disabilities (PWDs). A unique sampling technique was used to analyze quantitive and qualitativedata. The study's consciousness became around four signs revealing the findings.Awareness of both two organizations' activitieswhere the study was carried out reveals majority of the respondents (80.3%) are aware of the operations of Plan International while (18.6%) are aware of the operations of DREAMS and 1.1% are aware of the operations of both organizations: The engagement of the organizations by both National and County government levels; The effectiveness of the support offered to the girlchild within the two Sub- Counties named; and lastly how the two organizations engage with both levels of the government to keep the girl child in school.

Keywords : Approaches, Plan International and DREAMS, engagement, governmental departments,education, child rights.

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