Authors :
Amarachi Uma, Dr. Ogochukwu Ekwenchi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
The information section as found especially
on Front-of-Pack and Back-of-Pack of packaged food
have today served as an ‘on-the-spot’ medium for the
dissemination of information on what the consumer is
offered nutrient-wise. Anchored on Health Belief Model
and Theory of Reasoned Action, the aim of this study
was to determine the attention and use of food pack
information on baby formula products among nursing
mothers in Anambra State, in addition to factors that
could influence attention and use. In order to achieve
these objectives, a mixed method approach of Survey
and Focus Group Discussion was adopted; while
quantitative data was collected from a sample of 390
women selected through simple random sampling,
another 12 was selected through snowballing for Focus
Group Discussion which elicited qualitative data.
Findings from the study showed that majority of the
respondents had observed the information section on
baby formula packs. In addition, majority of the
respondents who stated that they had observed
information on baby formula packs stated that they
attempted to read it. However, majority of the
respondents who stated that they read information baby
formula packs stated that they read causally. More so,
findings from the study showed that such factors as
technicality of language, health beliefs, literacy
limitations, little regard for information and illegibility
of text influenced attention and use of information on
baby formula packs. Based on these findings, the study
recommended that government and non-governmental
health bodies should organize campaigns to sensitize
nursing mothers on the need to read information on
baby formula packs.
The information section as found especially
on Front-of-Pack and Back-of-Pack of packaged food
have today served as an ‘on-the-spot’ medium for the
dissemination of information on what the consumer is
offered nutrient-wise. Anchored on Health Belief Model
and Theory of Reasoned Action, the aim of this study
was to determine the attention and use of food pack
information on baby formula products among nursing
mothers in Anambra State, in addition to factors that
could influence attention and use. In order to achieve
these objectives, a mixed method approach of Survey
and Focus Group Discussion was adopted; while
quantitative data was collected from a sample of 390
women selected through simple random sampling,
another 12 was selected through snowballing for Focus
Group Discussion which elicited qualitative data.
Findings from the study showed that majority of the
respondents had observed the information section on
baby formula packs. In addition, majority of the
respondents who stated that they had observed
information on baby formula packs stated that they
attempted to read it. However, majority of the
respondents who stated that they read information baby
formula packs stated that they read causally. More so,
findings from the study showed that such factors as
technicality of language, health beliefs, literacy
limitations, little regard for information and illegibility
of text influenced attention and use of information on
baby formula packs. Based on these findings, the study
recommended that government and non-governmental
health bodies should organize campaigns to sensitize
nursing mothers on the need to read information on
baby formula packs.