Attitude of Student, Teacher Behaviour and Class Management: A Study

Authors : S M Tazuddin

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG091

Abstract : Attitude is one of the most important factors in helping to get through the highs and lows of life. Since attitude spells how a person copes, whatever perspective you may hold will invariably have an effect in your performance and the way you and secondary data collected from various secondary sources. In any teaching-learning situation, teacher plays an handle rejection. This study based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data collected from survey method important role in the classroom management. This study focused on the student’s attitude, teacher’s behavior and classroom management. This study showed elements of student’s attitude and socialization is made up of eight stages of psychosocial development. And also mention seven mental disorders of childhood. This research explains some principles and techniques of classroom management and discipline. This study reveals that teacher activities in classroom to maintain well management in classroom. Finally, the research gives some suggestion and recommendation to overcome barriers in classroom management.

Attitude is one of the most important factors in helping to get through the highs and lows of life. Since attitude spells how a person copes, whatever perspective you may hold will invariably have an effect in your performance and the way you and secondary data collected from various secondary sources. In any teaching-learning situation, teacher plays an handle rejection. This study based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data collected from survey method important role in the classroom management. This study focused on the student’s attitude, teacher’s behavior and classroom management. This study showed elements of student’s attitude and socialization is made up of eight stages of psychosocial development. And also mention seven mental disorders of childhood. This research explains some principles and techniques of classroom management and discipline. This study reveals that teacher activities in classroom to maintain well management in classroom. Finally, the research gives some suggestion and recommendation to overcome barriers in classroom management.

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