Automatic Battery Charger

Authors : Shubhangi Joshi; A.G. Kole; A. Nalawade

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : We've created an automated battery operating system based on battery status. When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from damaging and charging excessively. We have created an automatic charging system based on its battery status. When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from getting damaged and overcharged.

Keywords : Pic16f877a, Electric Sensor, Temperature Sensors, Current Sensor, Esp8266.

We've created an automated battery operating system based on battery status. When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from damaging and charging excessively. We have created an automatic charging system based on its battery status. When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from getting damaged and overcharged.

Keywords : Pic16f877a, Electric Sensor, Temperature Sensors, Current Sensor, Esp8266.

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