Authors :
M. Sushmasri; Mohameed Jameel
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Now a day’s Security is the main aspect in
our day to day life and based on the realm of Arduino
and PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor we developed a
project to create an intelligent lighting system with
alarm. This combination of Arduino and PIR sensor
leads to an automatic room lighting solution. The setup
allows lights to seamlessly respond to human presence,
enhancing both convenience and energy efficiency in
our living space. Let's explore how this innovative
combination transforms a traditional room into a smart
and responsive environment.
Keywords :
Arduino UNO, PIR Sensor, LED.
References :
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Now a day’s Security is the main aspect in
our day to day life and based on the realm of Arduino
and PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor we developed a
project to create an intelligent lighting system with
alarm. This combination of Arduino and PIR sensor
leads to an automatic room lighting solution. The setup
allows lights to seamlessly respond to human presence,
enhancing both convenience and energy efficiency in
our living space. Let's explore how this innovative
combination transforms a traditional room into a smart
and responsive environment.
Keywords :
Arduino UNO, PIR Sensor, LED.