Awareness about Reproductive Health Issues among Adolescents - A Review

Authors : Blessy Shalom Berry; Dr. Deepak Sethi

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Latin word “Adolescere” means to grow up. The term adolescence is derived from this term .Age between 10-19 years is said to be adolescent period by WHO. During this period, the life characterized into critical physical and psychological changes towards adulthood. In this , we have discussed the awareness in various issues in adolescent period such as knowledge and attitude towards sexual and reproductive health, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, menarche and menstruation. Various studies discussed shows that awareness level in reproductive health issues are very low. It is very important for the adolescents to attend training or the school and health services have to take active role in bringing awareness regarding reproductive health so that many of the complications and especially sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented among adolescents.

Keywords : Adolescent, Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Awareness.

Latin word “Adolescere” means to grow up. The term adolescence is derived from this term .Age between 10-19 years is said to be adolescent period by WHO. During this period, the life characterized into critical physical and psychological changes towards adulthood. In this , we have discussed the awareness in various issues in adolescent period such as knowledge and attitude towards sexual and reproductive health, family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, menarche and menstruation. Various studies discussed shows that awareness level in reproductive health issues are very low. It is very important for the adolescents to attend training or the school and health services have to take active role in bringing awareness regarding reproductive health so that many of the complications and especially sexually transmitted diseases can be prevented among adolescents.

Keywords : Adolescent, Reproductive Health, Family Planning, Awareness.

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