Be A Sustainable Entrepreneur? Challenges and Strategies for Growing Intention in Universities

Authors : Joko Widodo; Nina Farliana; Khasan Setiaji

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : This paper aims to analyze the challenges and strategies of sustainable entrepreneurship in Indonesia, as well as what factors influence sustainable entrepreneurial intentions during the Covid 19 pandemic. This type of research is a literature review, with a qualitative approach. The data used are secondary data, obtained from articles that have been published for the last 10 years. Data analysis techniques include: material collection, data reduction stage, analysis and synthesis stage, and presentation of conclusions. Sustainable entrepreneurship is a concept referring to the triple bottom line. The biggest challenge for sustainable entrepreneurship in higher education comes from the limitations of business sustainability, production capital, work skills, product quality, product market guarantees and minimal partnerships, conditions that are still not optimal between the achievements of higher education policies to develop student entrepreneurial behavior and obstacles from the social system. Strategies to overcome various problems, namely by: preparing an entrepreneurship curriculum, increasing lecturers' human resources, establishing an entrepreneurship center, collaboration with the business world, financial institutions and entrepreneurship awards. Sustainability oriented entrepreneurial intentions are driven by attitudes towards sustainability and perceptions of entrepreneurial desirability

Keywords : Sustainable Entrepreneurship;, Entrepreneurial Intention; Universities.

This paper aims to analyze the challenges and strategies of sustainable entrepreneurship in Indonesia, as well as what factors influence sustainable entrepreneurial intentions during the Covid 19 pandemic. This type of research is a literature review, with a qualitative approach. The data used are secondary data, obtained from articles that have been published for the last 10 years. Data analysis techniques include: material collection, data reduction stage, analysis and synthesis stage, and presentation of conclusions. Sustainable entrepreneurship is a concept referring to the triple bottom line. The biggest challenge for sustainable entrepreneurship in higher education comes from the limitations of business sustainability, production capital, work skills, product quality, product market guarantees and minimal partnerships, conditions that are still not optimal between the achievements of higher education policies to develop student entrepreneurial behavior and obstacles from the social system. Strategies to overcome various problems, namely by: preparing an entrepreneurship curriculum, increasing lecturers' human resources, establishing an entrepreneurship center, collaboration with the business world, financial institutions and entrepreneurship awards. Sustainability oriented entrepreneurial intentions are driven by attitudes towards sustainability and perceptions of entrepreneurial desirability

Keywords : Sustainable Entrepreneurship;, Entrepreneurial Intention; Universities.

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