Big Data: Key Implementation Challenges

Authors : Srinija Sirobhushanam, Dheeraj Chandra

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : As a breakthrough in this modern era, big data is considered as one of the most important concept in improving the business decisions and also in providing the adequate results in complex situations. The research is still in progress to analyze various effective methodologies which will help in flourishment of the business. Though it sounds easy, but the practical implementation of it deals with many challenges to obtain the desired results. But then, much development is in progress to deal with these challenges and big data is moving ahead sustaining its place being the top in the recent history.

As a breakthrough in this modern era, big data is considered as one of the most important concept in improving the business decisions and also in providing the adequate results in complex situations. The research is still in progress to analyze various effective methodologies which will help in flourishment of the business. Though it sounds easy, but the practical implementation of it deals with many challenges to obtain the desired results. But then, much development is in progress to deal with these challenges and big data is moving ahead sustaining its place being the top in the recent history.

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