Authors :
Chuku, E.C; Njoku, A.A; Nmom, F.W
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Research study was carried out to assess the
biocidal effect of aqueous extracts of Curcuma longa,
Zingiber officinale, Citrus limon peel and synthetic
fungicide Mancozeb against Rhizopus stolonifer using
the poisoned food technique on PDA. Various
concentrations (50, 75, and 100%) of extracts from the
rhizomes of C. longa, Z. officinale, the peel of C. limon
and Mancozeb (0.002%) significantly inhibited the
mycelia growth of R. stolonifer after 3 days. Effects of
the synthetic fungicide (Mancozeb) comparative to the
plant extracts were also determined. Although the
extracts showed varying degrees of antifungal efficacy,
100% concentration of Z. officinale (58.96%) proved to
be more potent against R. stolonifer than the other plant
extracts but was lower and significantly different when
compared with Mancozeb (73.31%) at (P≤0.05) after 3
days. Extracts of C. longa and C. limon peel showed a
lower inhibition level ranging from 45.01% to 56.98%
and 9.57% to 18.73% respectively and were
significantly different when compared with Mancozeb
at (P≤0.05). Inhibition of fungal growth increased with a
corresponding increase in extract concentration and
days. The plant leaf extracts effectively inhibited the
mycelial growth of pathogen in vitro after 3 days. In vivo
study was carried out using spore suspensions of R.
stolonifer. Fresh, healthy and surface sterilized Irish
potato tubers were inoculated with 6.4 x 104 spores/ml
and treated with aqueous extracts of C. longa, Z.
officinale and C. limon peel after 24 hours. The result
showed that all plant extracts had significant effect on
disease severity in tubers inoculated with R. stolonifer.
However, 100% concentration of Z. officinale gave the
best rot reduction caused by R. stolonifer with severity
score of 0.33 but it was not significantly different at
(p<0.05) from mancozeb which had a severity score of
0.67. However, they were significantly different at
(p<0.05) from the inoculated control (3.33). There were
variations in weight loss but no significant difference
was observed among the various treatment methods
Keywords :
Biocides, plant extracts, Rhizopus stolonifer, Irish potato Tuber Rot.
Research study was carried out to assess the
biocidal effect of aqueous extracts of Curcuma longa,
Zingiber officinale, Citrus limon peel and synthetic
fungicide Mancozeb against Rhizopus stolonifer using
the poisoned food technique on PDA. Various
concentrations (50, 75, and 100%) of extracts from the
rhizomes of C. longa, Z. officinale, the peel of C. limon
and Mancozeb (0.002%) significantly inhibited the
mycelia growth of R. stolonifer after 3 days. Effects of
the synthetic fungicide (Mancozeb) comparative to the
plant extracts were also determined. Although the
extracts showed varying degrees of antifungal efficacy,
100% concentration of Z. officinale (58.96%) proved to
be more potent against R. stolonifer than the other plant
extracts but was lower and significantly different when
compared with Mancozeb (73.31%) at (P≤0.05) after 3
days. Extracts of C. longa and C. limon peel showed a
lower inhibition level ranging from 45.01% to 56.98%
and 9.57% to 18.73% respectively and were
significantly different when compared with Mancozeb
at (P≤0.05). Inhibition of fungal growth increased with a
corresponding increase in extract concentration and
days. The plant leaf extracts effectively inhibited the
mycelial growth of pathogen in vitro after 3 days. In vivo
study was carried out using spore suspensions of R.
stolonifer. Fresh, healthy and surface sterilized Irish
potato tubers were inoculated with 6.4 x 104 spores/ml
and treated with aqueous extracts of C. longa, Z.
officinale and C. limon peel after 24 hours. The result
showed that all plant extracts had significant effect on
disease severity in tubers inoculated with R. stolonifer.
However, 100% concentration of Z. officinale gave the
best rot reduction caused by R. stolonifer with severity
score of 0.33 but it was not significantly different at
(p<0.05) from mancozeb which had a severity score of
0.67. However, they were significantly different at
(p<0.05) from the inoculated control (3.33). There were
variations in weight loss but no significant difference
was observed among the various treatment methods
Keywords :
Biocides, plant extracts, Rhizopus stolonifer, Irish potato Tuber Rot.