Bullying: An Exploration of the Manobo’s Experiences

Authors : Girlie N. Cañete; Harry Santiago P. Achas; Pamela N. Cañete

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3zc6Fwo

Abstract : This study has been made to describe and analyze the bullying experiences of the Manobo’s of Agusan del Sur. The respondents of this study were enrolled at St. Francis Xavier College, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. A researcher made questionnaire was utilized to gathered the data in this study. This study utilized a qualitative – descriptive research design. An interview was conducted with the respondents utilizing the aid of an interview guide. Cellular mobile phone was used as a means of recording the conversation during the interview. Findings of the study revealed that there is an existence of unintentional institutional bullying but were handled in a very positive manner that even encourages the students to strive more on their studies. This is an indication that Manobo students of Saint Francis Xavier College are matured enough to handle concerns and issues on bullying

Keywords : Bullying; Manobos; Qualitative; Philippines.

This study has been made to describe and analyze the bullying experiences of the Manobo’s of Agusan del Sur. The respondents of this study were enrolled at St. Francis Xavier College, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur. A researcher made questionnaire was utilized to gathered the data in this study. This study utilized a qualitative – descriptive research design. An interview was conducted with the respondents utilizing the aid of an interview guide. Cellular mobile phone was used as a means of recording the conversation during the interview. Findings of the study revealed that there is an existence of unintentional institutional bullying but were handled in a very positive manner that even encourages the students to strive more on their studies. This is an indication that Manobo students of Saint Francis Xavier College are matured enough to handle concerns and issues on bullying

Keywords : Bullying; Manobos; Qualitative; Philippines.

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