Authors :
Jane Rose V. Lopez
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study determined the business climate in
the Municipality of Malilipot along local economic
development, government and political stability,
technological advancements, market opportunities and
social and cultural conditions. It answered the following
sub-problems: 1.) What is the business climate in the
Municipality of Malilipot?; 2.) What is the level of
business climate in the Municipality of Malilipot along
local economic development, government and political
stability, technological advancements, market
opportunities and social and cultural conditions?; 3.) Is
there a significant difference on the level of business
climate between service and non-service sectors?; 4.)
What are the challenges that influence the business
climate in Malilipot, Albay?; and 5.) What business
strategy guide may be proposed to address the challenges
met? The researcher tested the null hypothesis that there
is no significant difference on the level of business
climate between the service and non-service sector
respondents along the five (5) components. The study
utilized the quantitative research methodology.
Specifically, it employed the descriptive-survey design
and a researcher made questionnaire as a research tool.
The researcher employed frequency count, percentage,
weighted mean and Analysis of Variance and F-test to
determine the significant difference.
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This study determined the business climate in
the Municipality of Malilipot along local economic
development, government and political stability,
technological advancements, market opportunities and
social and cultural conditions. It answered the following
sub-problems: 1.) What is the business climate in the
Municipality of Malilipot?; 2.) What is the level of
business climate in the Municipality of Malilipot along
local economic development, government and political
stability, technological advancements, market
opportunities and social and cultural conditions?; 3.) Is
there a significant difference on the level of business
climate between service and non-service sectors?; 4.)
What are the challenges that influence the business
climate in Malilipot, Albay?; and 5.) What business
strategy guide may be proposed to address the challenges
met? The researcher tested the null hypothesis that there
is no significant difference on the level of business
climate between the service and non-service sector
respondents along the five (5) components. The study
utilized the quantitative research methodology.
Specifically, it employed the descriptive-survey design
and a researcher made questionnaire as a research tool.
The researcher employed frequency count, percentage,
weighted mean and Analysis of Variance and F-test to
determine the significant difference.