Caregivers Perception and Socio-Economic Challenges of Nocturnal Enuresis on Child and Family in Ibadan, Nigeria

Authors : Nwakaku Bibian Kuforiji; Iyabode Olufunmike Adekanmbi; Florence Oluyemi Alowo; Folasade Bolanle Alo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Nocturnal Enuresis (NE) is bedwetting (BW) at night; it is a childhood problem that involves a large number of children. However, the study aims to investigate caregivers’ perception, and socio-economic challenges of nocturnal enuresis on child and family in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study utilized descriptive case study to explore caregivers’ perceptions, and challenges of NE on children, and families. The study adopted multistage sampling technique. Convenience sampling technique was adopted in subject selection. To make up for the non- response rate and increase the power of observation, the sample size was 309. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to carry out the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 was used for analysis. Descriptive analysis was used for quantitative variables including mean, median, and standard deviation. The data were organized and presented in simple tables, charts, and graphs. Inferential analysis using Chi-Square test, and independent student t-test were performed at a 5% level of significance. The results show that about (86.5%) perceived Nocturnal Enuresis as a psychological problem, and (83.3%) perceived that bedwetting can be a result of the spiritual spell. Majority of the caregivers (87.3%) viewed NE as a source of shame, 94.4% viewed bedwetting as a serious behavioural problem while the majority of caregivers (94.8%) viewed teenage bedwetting as abnormal. Analysis showed that some (35.7%) children exhibited unruly attitude, some (23.8%) were bullied, all felt nervous most times which was common, (39.7%) felt intimidated, and (47.6%) will rather keep to themselves by un-socializing. The occurrence of nocturnal enuresis was high among children above ten years. Almost all caregivers perceived nocturnal enuresis as negative to the family about NE. Hence, there is a need to design health promotion programs aimed at addressing these challenges and empowering both in the process for the resolution.

Keywords : Component; Formatting; Style; Styling; Insert.

References :

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Nocturnal Enuresis (NE) is bedwetting (BW) at night; it is a childhood problem that involves a large number of children. However, the study aims to investigate caregivers’ perception, and socio-economic challenges of nocturnal enuresis on child and family in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study utilized descriptive case study to explore caregivers’ perceptions, and challenges of NE on children, and families. The study adopted multistage sampling technique. Convenience sampling technique was adopted in subject selection. To make up for the non- response rate and increase the power of observation, the sample size was 309. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to carry out the study. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 21 was used for analysis. Descriptive analysis was used for quantitative variables including mean, median, and standard deviation. The data were organized and presented in simple tables, charts, and graphs. Inferential analysis using Chi-Square test, and independent student t-test were performed at a 5% level of significance. The results show that about (86.5%) perceived Nocturnal Enuresis as a psychological problem, and (83.3%) perceived that bedwetting can be a result of the spiritual spell. Majority of the caregivers (87.3%) viewed NE as a source of shame, 94.4% viewed bedwetting as a serious behavioural problem while the majority of caregivers (94.8%) viewed teenage bedwetting as abnormal. Analysis showed that some (35.7%) children exhibited unruly attitude, some (23.8%) were bullied, all felt nervous most times which was common, (39.7%) felt intimidated, and (47.6%) will rather keep to themselves by un-socializing. The occurrence of nocturnal enuresis was high among children above ten years. Almost all caregivers perceived nocturnal enuresis as negative to the family about NE. Hence, there is a need to design health promotion programs aimed at addressing these challenges and empowering both in the process for the resolution.

Keywords : Component; Formatting; Style; Styling; Insert.

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