Chromium Toxicity Induced Histopathological Alterations in The Liver of Fresh Water Carp Fish, Catla Catla

Authors : P.Ranganatham

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Catla catla, the fresh water carp fish,fingerlings when exposed to different sublethal concentrations of chromium for a different periods1, 8, 16, 32 days of time brought changes in the structure and morphology of the nonosmatic organs such as liver. In trivalent chromium exposed fish, in the liver a few pathological changes were seen during the initial days of exposure and then structural reorganization observed in later days of exposure, The degenerative changes observed in the liver of the fish exposed to the sublethal concentration of hexavalent chromium were the disarray of liver cords, dilation of sinusoids, vacuolization in liver tissue, etc., all these changes confirmed structural disruption by hexavalent chromium ions on prolonged exposure.

Catla catla, the fresh water carp fish,fingerlings when exposed to different sublethal concentrations of chromium for a different periods1, 8, 16, 32 days of time brought changes in the structure and morphology of the nonosmatic organs such as liver. In trivalent chromium exposed fish, in the liver a few pathological changes were seen during the initial days of exposure and then structural reorganization observed in later days of exposure, The degenerative changes observed in the liver of the fish exposed to the sublethal concentration of hexavalent chromium were the disarray of liver cords, dilation of sinusoids, vacuolization in liver tissue, etc., all these changes confirmed structural disruption by hexavalent chromium ions on prolonged exposure.

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