Authors :
Bhaskar B,Shwetha B
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Face recognition is rising as a lively research area spanning many disciplines like image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and neural networks. Face recognition technology has various business applications and other commercial. Here this paper presents an automated face recognition using principle component analysis and discrete wavelet transforms in order to take the attendance of the classroom .As a part of the proposed algorithms, Filters of Wavelets have been implemented using multi-resolution approaches due to their flexibility, suitability and regularity for face recognition. After successful recognition of a student face, the system is designed to automatically update the attendance . The proposed system improves the performance of existing attendance management systems by eliminating human intervention, marking and entry of attendance .
Keywords :
Biometrics ,Principle component analysis Wavelet transform, Walsh transform.
Face recognition is rising as a lively research area spanning many disciplines like image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision and neural networks. Face recognition technology has various business applications and other commercial. Here this paper presents an automated face recognition using principle component analysis and discrete wavelet transforms in order to take the attendance of the classroom .As a part of the proposed algorithms, Filters of Wavelets have been implemented using multi-resolution approaches due to their flexibility, suitability and regularity for face recognition. After successful recognition of a student face, the system is designed to automatically update the attendance . The proposed system improves the performance of existing attendance management systems by eliminating human intervention, marking and entry of attendance .
Keywords :
Biometrics ,Principle component analysis Wavelet transform, Walsh transform.