Clinical Innovation CANT Identification Device in Orthodontics- Enabling Early Detection of Occlusal CANT

Authors : Jayakrishnan, Mithun K, K Nillan Shetty, Rohan Rai, Anjali Jayaraj

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : One among the most important aesthetic feature in smile aesthetics is the canting of occlusal plane. Even though it is important, canting of occlusal plane is usually not evaluated during the routine clinical examination, mostly due to its camouflage effect by the soft tissue structures. But this might create difficulty at a later stage in treatment when its correction becomes more difficult. Therefore, identifying occlusal cant at the clinical examination phase becomes very critical. A Cant Identifying Device (CID) for occlusal cant detection is suggested in this article to equip the clinician to identify occlusal cant chairside without missing out on this finding. It proves to be a handy tool for the clinician and very effective when it comes to detection of occlusal cant.

Keywords : CID, Occlusal CANT, Occlusal CANT Detection Device, Transverse Discrepancy.

One among the most important aesthetic feature in smile aesthetics is the canting of occlusal plane. Even though it is important, canting of occlusal plane is usually not evaluated during the routine clinical examination, mostly due to its camouflage effect by the soft tissue structures. But this might create difficulty at a later stage in treatment when its correction becomes more difficult. Therefore, identifying occlusal cant at the clinical examination phase becomes very critical. A Cant Identifying Device (CID) for occlusal cant detection is suggested in this article to equip the clinician to identify occlusal cant chairside without missing out on this finding. It proves to be a handy tool for the clinician and very effective when it comes to detection of occlusal cant.

Keywords : CID, Occlusal CANT, Occlusal CANT Detection Device, Transverse Discrepancy.

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