Cloud Based Smart Energy Meter

Authors : Sudhakar Hallur , Roopa. R. Kulkarni , Dr. P.P.Patavardhan

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : LPC2148 is a very powerful system-on-chip device belonging to the generation of the ARM 32-bit platform devices providing a lot new features and flexibility to support single, two and three-phase metering solutions. Intercepting 2 terminals of the supply are connected 2 terminals to the Energy Meter where the other two terminals are connected to the load for tapping the energy consumed by the load. The tapping of the meter readings are being done with the help of the Voltage Sensor and a Current sensor. The two results are combined for the calculation of the energy consumption. The bill generated and units consumed for a particular period is being intimated to the particular user and PC via a GSM module. The bill is calculated according to the tariff plan charges and updated. The payment is being facilitated via a Web Payment Portal using an A/c No and password. On a payment being made, a message is being triggered to the meter indicating bill paid and metering to be continued else a disconnection of the supply will result.

Keywords : ARM 7 (LPC 2148), Step Down Transformer, Voltage Sensor, Current Sensor, Opamp, Hall Effect Sensor, ADC

LPC2148 is a very powerful system-on-chip device belonging to the generation of the ARM 32-bit platform devices providing a lot new features and flexibility to support single, two and three-phase metering solutions. Intercepting 2 terminals of the supply are connected 2 terminals to the Energy Meter where the other two terminals are connected to the load for tapping the energy consumed by the load. The tapping of the meter readings are being done with the help of the Voltage Sensor and a Current sensor. The two results are combined for the calculation of the energy consumption. The bill generated and units consumed for a particular period is being intimated to the particular user and PC via a GSM module. The bill is calculated according to the tariff plan charges and updated. The payment is being facilitated via a Web Payment Portal using an A/c No and password. On a payment being made, a message is being triggered to the meter indicating bill paid and metering to be continued else a disconnection of the supply will result.

Keywords : ARM 7 (LPC 2148), Step Down Transformer, Voltage Sensor, Current Sensor, Opamp, Hall Effect Sensor, ADC

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