Authors :
Dr. Solofoson Georges; Bernardin De Sienne; Dr. Razafimanandraibe Lalaina Henintsoa; Dr. Benitsiafantoka Joseph; Dr. Rakoto-Andriantsalama Soloniaina; Dr. Totozafinirina Jean Nicolas; Dr. Zely Daudet Evariste; Randriamanantena Séraphin
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
The total or partial automation of a problem-
solving process requires analysis, modeling and then
translation into a computer program of human
knowledge. This research paper deals with the problem
of enterprise development. Solving the problem begins
with a cognitive approach (Data entry - Data processing
- Results output), through modeling to computer
simulations. In the case of traditional management of
shrimp fishing, each activity center is piloted by a
cognitive agent who conducts management, production,
collection and packaging operations as well as
Keywords :
Cognitive Sciences, Modeling, Traditional Management.
The total or partial automation of a problem-
solving process requires analysis, modeling and then
translation into a computer program of human
knowledge. This research paper deals with the problem
of enterprise development. Solving the problem begins
with a cognitive approach (Data entry - Data processing
- Results output), through modeling to computer
simulations. In the case of traditional management of
shrimp fishing, each activity center is piloted by a
cognitive agent who conducts management, production,
collection and packaging operations as well as
Keywords :
Cognitive Sciences, Modeling, Traditional Management.