Community-Based Waste Management in South Kalimantan

Authors : Muhammad Noor Ifansyah; Hartuti Purnaweni; Purwanto; Tri Yuniningsih

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : This study is based on an increase in population, which impacts the rapid increase in waste. Efforts to reduce waste at its source are the best way to overcome it. The community as a waste producer is expected to be involved in waste reduction efforts. This research uses a quantitative methodology to analyze data sourced from various documents. It uses the analysis delivered by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The results showed that community participation in waste management is in The Waste Banks and TPS3R. These models are widely used because it is easy to apply, and there is an excellent economic turnaround for the community. Nevertheless, private involvement is also still needed in addition to community participation.

Keywords : community, participation.

This study is based on an increase in population, which impacts the rapid increase in waste. Efforts to reduce waste at its source are the best way to overcome it. The community as a waste producer is expected to be involved in waste reduction efforts. This research uses a quantitative methodology to analyze data sourced from various documents. It uses the analysis delivered by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. The results showed that community participation in waste management is in The Waste Banks and TPS3R. These models are widely used because it is easy to apply, and there is an excellent economic turnaround for the community. Nevertheless, private involvement is also still needed in addition to community participation.

Keywords : community, participation.

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