Comparative Analysis of Consumer Behaviour toward Sport Shoes and Casual Shoes in Punjab

Authors : Sonam Sood; Dr. Vikramjit Kaur

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The shoes are considered as a source of generating an impression on others and in today’s scenario maintaining a better impression on others is one of the major components and crucial factors for creating a better first impression. Since all human beings are social animals so they are quite concerned about their social impression and want to create the best impression in the minds of people. The researchers have stated that footwear is considered as the most attractive and most vital part when the issue is related to the fitness of the person and most of the running activities can only be improved and done by wearing the best shoes. As per the study and researches, it has been identified that there are various shoes which are present in the market for the customers and they can easily choose the best quality product as per their requirements. In this paper main research is performed on the basis of comparative analysis of consumer behaviour towards sports shoes and casual shoes in Punjab.

The shoes are considered as a source of generating an impression on others and in today’s scenario maintaining a better impression on others is one of the major components and crucial factors for creating a better first impression. Since all human beings are social animals so they are quite concerned about their social impression and want to create the best impression in the minds of people. The researchers have stated that footwear is considered as the most attractive and most vital part when the issue is related to the fitness of the person and most of the running activities can only be improved and done by wearing the best shoes. As per the study and researches, it has been identified that there are various shoes which are present in the market for the customers and they can easily choose the best quality product as per their requirements. In this paper main research is performed on the basis of comparative analysis of consumer behaviour towards sports shoes and casual shoes in Punjab.

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