Comparative Analysis of Tall Structure Subjected to Different Wind Categories

Authors : Anand Bankad; Rashmi S M; Spoorti S B; Suhana N; Tejashwini D

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : This Study presents the comparative analysis of tall structure to Different Wind Categories. It is well known fact the wind loads may be estimated in particular zone with specified zone factor. Then the wind load of that zone can also be estimated based on the basic wind speed and other factors of that particular region. Modern tall structure designed to satisfy lateral drift requirements, still many oscillate excessively during wind storm. These oscillations can cause some threats to the tall structure as structure are more and more height becomes more vulnerable to oscillate at high-speed winds. In this paper, the response of tall structure different wind categories as per IS code practice is studied. Wind load analysis is used for analysis of a G+20 storey RCC b

Keywords : Tall Structure, STAAD Pro, Wind load etc.

This Study presents the comparative analysis of tall structure to Different Wind Categories. It is well known fact the wind loads may be estimated in particular zone with specified zone factor. Then the wind load of that zone can also be estimated based on the basic wind speed and other factors of that particular region. Modern tall structure designed to satisfy lateral drift requirements, still many oscillate excessively during wind storm. These oscillations can cause some threats to the tall structure as structure are more and more height becomes more vulnerable to oscillate at high-speed winds. In this paper, the response of tall structure different wind categories as per IS code practice is studied. Wind load analysis is used for analysis of a G+20 storey RCC b

Keywords : Tall Structure, STAAD Pro, Wind load etc.

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