Comparative Evaluation of Gorontalo Inter-Provincial City Transport (AKDP) Service Performance and Meta-Analysis Study of AKDP Service Performance in Indonesia

Authors : Intan Nia Cahaya Sari Mokoagow; Anton Kaharu; Arfan Usman Sumaga

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This study aims to compare the evaluation of service performance of Angkutan Kota Dalam Provinsi (AKDP) in Gorontalo Province, with the results of a meta-analysis of AKDP service performance throughout Indonesia. This evaluation focuses on five dimensions of service quality measured using the SERVQUAL model, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. This study used a quantitative approach with a survey method, where primary data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 348 Inter- Provincial City Transport (AKDP) users in Gorontalo Province. The questionnaire was designed to measure user perceptions of the five dimensions of service quality. For comparison, this study also adopted the results of a meta-analysis of AKDP service performance from various provinces in Indonesia, obtained from previous studies. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics to identify significant differences between the results of service evaluation in Gorontalo and the AKDP performance standards at the national level. The results show that in terms of reliability, urban transport services in Gorontalo tend to be lower than the results of the national meta-analysis, indicating a mismatch between user expectations and the reality of services received. In terms of responsiveness, services in Gorontalo are relatively better compared to many other cities in Indonesia, although there is still room for improvement in terms of response time to user complaints. For the assurance dimension, most users in Gorontalo feel less confident in the quality of drivers and staff, a finding that is also reflected in the results of the meta-analysis in other provinces that have higher levels of trust in driver staff. In the caring dimension, users feel that city transport in Gorontalo lacks attention to the special needs of customers, such as comfort for people with disabilities. On the other hand, in the dimension of physical condition of vehicles, Gorontalo shows a very low score, with the cleanliness and comfort of vehicles not meeting user expectations, which is far below the national average. Overall, the results of this study provide a clear picture of the aspects of city transport services that need improvement, especially in terms of reliability and physical condition of vehicles. The main recommendations of this study are the need for infrastructure improvements, intensive training for drivers and staff, and more attention to customer comfort and needs, so that the quality of urban transport services in Gorontalo Province can improve and be in line with the Indonesian AKDP service standards to improve the efficiency of public transport in Gorontalo.

Keywords : Performance Evaluation, City Transport Services, AKDP, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Care, Physical Condition.

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This study aims to compare the evaluation of service performance of Angkutan Kota Dalam Provinsi (AKDP) in Gorontalo Province, with the results of a meta-analysis of AKDP service performance throughout Indonesia. This evaluation focuses on five dimensions of service quality measured using the SERVQUAL model, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. This study used a quantitative approach with a survey method, where primary data was collected through questionnaires distributed to 348 Inter- Provincial City Transport (AKDP) users in Gorontalo Province. The questionnaire was designed to measure user perceptions of the five dimensions of service quality. For comparison, this study also adopted the results of a meta-analysis of AKDP service performance from various provinces in Indonesia, obtained from previous studies. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics to identify significant differences between the results of service evaluation in Gorontalo and the AKDP performance standards at the national level. The results show that in terms of reliability, urban transport services in Gorontalo tend to be lower than the results of the national meta-analysis, indicating a mismatch between user expectations and the reality of services received. In terms of responsiveness, services in Gorontalo are relatively better compared to many other cities in Indonesia, although there is still room for improvement in terms of response time to user complaints. For the assurance dimension, most users in Gorontalo feel less confident in the quality of drivers and staff, a finding that is also reflected in the results of the meta-analysis in other provinces that have higher levels of trust in driver staff. In the caring dimension, users feel that city transport in Gorontalo lacks attention to the special needs of customers, such as comfort for people with disabilities. On the other hand, in the dimension of physical condition of vehicles, Gorontalo shows a very low score, with the cleanliness and comfort of vehicles not meeting user expectations, which is far below the national average. Overall, the results of this study provide a clear picture of the aspects of city transport services that need improvement, especially in terms of reliability and physical condition of vehicles. The main recommendations of this study are the need for infrastructure improvements, intensive training for drivers and staff, and more attention to customer comfort and needs, so that the quality of urban transport services in Gorontalo Province can improve and be in line with the Indonesian AKDP service standards to improve the efficiency of public transport in Gorontalo.

Keywords : Performance Evaluation, City Transport Services, AKDP, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Care, Physical Condition.

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