Authors :
Ikeli Ndubuisi Hyginus; Evans Chinemezu Ashigwuike; Isaac Ibitoye Alabi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
This paper investigates the enhancement of
voltage stability margin using UPFCdevice tuned with
PSO, ABC, BFO and Cuckoo Search techniqueson
Nigerian 330KV 56-bus practical network. In order to
have avoltage stable power system it is goodto keep
voltages within the acceptable limits. This is achieved
using continuation power flow embedded in Power
System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT).The optimal location
and tuning of the UPFC device is determined using line
stability index and the met – heuristics techniques. The
effects of UPFC on voltage stability margin are
examined. The results so obtained for tuning PSO, ABC,
BFO and Cuckoo Search with UPFC device are
compared to know the technique that yields the best
loading parameter for Nigerian 56- bus power system for
voltage stability margin enhancement. It is found
thatUPFC tuned with Cuckoo Search outperforms the
other techniques in terms of the increased loading
parameter of the Nigerian power system which gives
room for voltage stability margin improvement.The
tuned UPFC device has provedbeyond reasonable doubt
that it can improve voltagestability margin of the entire
Nigerian 330KV Network.
Keywords :
Artificial Bee Colony, Bacterial Foraging Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Voltage stability margin, UPFC.
This paper investigates the enhancement of
voltage stability margin using UPFCdevice tuned with
PSO, ABC, BFO and Cuckoo Search techniqueson
Nigerian 330KV 56-bus practical network. In order to
have avoltage stable power system it is goodto keep
voltages within the acceptable limits. This is achieved
using continuation power flow embedded in Power
System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT).The optimal location
and tuning of the UPFC device is determined using line
stability index and the met – heuristics techniques. The
effects of UPFC on voltage stability margin are
examined. The results so obtained for tuning PSO, ABC,
BFO and Cuckoo Search with UPFC device are
compared to know the technique that yields the best
loading parameter for Nigerian 56- bus power system for
voltage stability margin enhancement. It is found
thatUPFC tuned with Cuckoo Search outperforms the
other techniques in terms of the increased loading
parameter of the Nigerian power system which gives
room for voltage stability margin improvement.The
tuned UPFC device has provedbeyond reasonable doubt
that it can improve voltagestability margin of the entire
Nigerian 330KV Network.
Keywords :
Artificial Bee Colony, Bacterial Foraging Algorithm, Cuckoo Search Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, Voltage stability margin, UPFC.