Authors :
Dr. Rita D; Dr. Bhawna Bajar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
To compare the normal progression of labour vs
use of injection Drotaverine Hydrochloride and
injection Valethamate Bromide on cervical dilatation
and progression of labour.
This prospective randomised study was conducted
in obstetrics and gynecology department at Navodaya
Medical College Hospital and Research Centre ,
Raichur involved 100 pregnant women admitted to
labour room for delivery during the study period of one
year . Written informed consent was taken. After taking
history, general and obstetrics examination was done
and contracted pelvis was ruled out.
Group I included 50 pregnant women (n=50) who
were allowed for spontaneous progression of labour.
Group II included 50 pregnant women(n=50) who
received injection Drotaverine hydrochloride and
injection valethamate bromide and effect on cervical
dilatation and progression of labour was noted and
The mean rate of cervical dilatation was 1.2cm/hr
in primigravida and 1.5cm/hr in multigravida in group
I compared to group II with mean rate of cervical
dilatation in primigravida is 2.8cm/hr and 3.5cm/hr in
multigravida which is statsically significant (p <0.01)
In group I the mean duration of active phase of
labour in primigravida was 197 mins and 178 minutes
in multigravida compared to 98 minutes un
primigravida and 81 minutes in multigravida in group
II which is statistically significant (p value <0.01) . there
was no statiscally significant difference found in two
groups with respect to mode of delivery (p=0.835)
Comparison of cervical dilatation rates and
progression of labour revealed a significant acceleration
in the drug group, surpassing the control group.
Keywords :
Labour , Spontaneous Progression, Drotaverine Hydrochloride, Valethamate Bromide.
References :
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- William textbook of obstetrics edition 26th edition Martindale W. MARTINDALE-the extra pharmacopeia.31sted.London:Rittenhouse book distributors;199610. O, Driscoll, Jackson RJA, Gallagher JT. Prevention of prolonged labor. BMJ.1969;2:477-80.
- European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine (EJMCM)ISSN: 2515-8260 Volume 10, Issue 01, 2023 Journal of Cardiovascular Disease ResearchISSN:0975-3583,0976-2833 VOL14,ISSUE05,2023609Comparison of the Effectiveness of Drotaverine Hydrochloride and Valethamate Bromide in Promoting Cervical Dilatation during Active Labour: An Observational studyDr. Chandana Loke1, Dr. Pavan Soleti2, Dr. Dharavath Bhanu Prakash 3Dr.Pavani Chinnapaka4*,Dr.C.Muralidhar
- International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)ISSN: 2319-7064SJIF (2022): 7.942Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022www.ijsr.netLicensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BYA Comparative Study on the Efficacy of Drotaverine Hydrochloride and Valethamate Bromide on Cervical Dilatation in Active Phase ofLabour in Tertiary Care HospitalDr. Chaganti Vijaya
- Changede PR. Comparison of injection drotaverine and injection valethamate bromide on duration and course of labor. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol .2016;5:1836-42.
To compare the normal progression of labour vs
use of injection Drotaverine Hydrochloride and
injection Valethamate Bromide on cervical dilatation
and progression of labour.
This prospective randomised study was conducted
in obstetrics and gynecology department at Navodaya
Medical College Hospital and Research Centre ,
Raichur involved 100 pregnant women admitted to
labour room for delivery during the study period of one
year . Written informed consent was taken. After taking
history, general and obstetrics examination was done
and contracted pelvis was ruled out.
Group I included 50 pregnant women (n=50) who
were allowed for spontaneous progression of labour.
Group II included 50 pregnant women(n=50) who
received injection Drotaverine hydrochloride and
injection valethamate bromide and effect on cervical
dilatation and progression of labour was noted and
The mean rate of cervical dilatation was 1.2cm/hr
in primigravida and 1.5cm/hr in multigravida in group
I compared to group II with mean rate of cervical
dilatation in primigravida is 2.8cm/hr and 3.5cm/hr in
multigravida which is statsically significant (p <0.01)
In group I the mean duration of active phase of
labour in primigravida was 197 mins and 178 minutes
in multigravida compared to 98 minutes un
primigravida and 81 minutes in multigravida in group
II which is statistically significant (p value <0.01) . there
was no statiscally significant difference found in two
groups with respect to mode of delivery (p=0.835)
Comparison of cervical dilatation rates and
progression of labour revealed a significant acceleration
in the drug group, surpassing the control group.
Keywords :
Labour , Spontaneous Progression, Drotaverine Hydrochloride, Valethamate Bromide.