Comparative study of Reinforced Concrete Structure and Steel Structure by Non-Linear Static Pushover Analysis

Authors : Ankit Chandrashekhar Daga

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Recent earthquakes in which many concrete structures have been severely damaged or collapsed. About 60% of the land area of our country is susceptible to damaging levels of seismic hazard. We can’t avoid future earthquakes The research concentrates on a computer based push-over analysis technique for performance-based design of reinforced concrete building and steel building works subjected to earthquake loading. In the investigation, nonlinear static analysis of analytical model of four story Reinforced concrete building and steel building is conducted for local seismic conditions. Pushover analysis is an advanced tool to carry out static nonlinear analysis of framed structures. It is used to evaluate non linear behavior and gives the sequence and mechanism of plastic hinge formation. The pushover curve which is a plot of base shear versus roof displacement, gives the actual capacity of the structure in the non linear range.

Keywords : Pushover, Roof Displacement, Base Shear.

Recent earthquakes in which many concrete structures have been severely damaged or collapsed. About 60% of the land area of our country is susceptible to damaging levels of seismic hazard. We can’t avoid future earthquakes The research concentrates on a computer based push-over analysis technique for performance-based design of reinforced concrete building and steel building works subjected to earthquake loading. In the investigation, nonlinear static analysis of analytical model of four story Reinforced concrete building and steel building is conducted for local seismic conditions. Pushover analysis is an advanced tool to carry out static nonlinear analysis of framed structures. It is used to evaluate non linear behavior and gives the sequence and mechanism of plastic hinge formation. The pushover curve which is a plot of base shear versus roof displacement, gives the actual capacity of the structure in the non linear range.

Keywords : Pushover, Roof Displacement, Base Shear.

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