Comparative Study of Seismic Performance of Multistorey Diagrid Structures with Conventional Structures

Authors : Neha Thakare; Dr. B. H. Shinde

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The difference between conventional outer brake frame structures and current diagrid structures is that for diagrid structures, almost all conventional vertical columns are removed. Elimination of vertical columns is possible because diagonal elements in diagrid structural systems can carry gravitational loads as well as lateral forces, while diagonals in conventional elastic frame structures carry only lateral loads. The most normal and popular material in the process of building diagrids is steel. The incisions commonly used are rectangular, rounded and wide flanges. The weight and size of the sections are made to withstand high bending loads.

Keywords : Diagrid, Multistorey Building, Lateral Displacement And Storey Drif

The difference between conventional outer brake frame structures and current diagrid structures is that for diagrid structures, almost all conventional vertical columns are removed. Elimination of vertical columns is possible because diagonal elements in diagrid structural systems can carry gravitational loads as well as lateral forces, while diagonals in conventional elastic frame structures carry only lateral loads. The most normal and popular material in the process of building diagrids is steel. The incisions commonly used are rectangular, rounded and wide flanges. The weight and size of the sections are made to withstand high bending loads.

Keywords : Diagrid, Multistorey Building, Lateral Displacement And Storey Drif

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