Authors :
Amrutha P M; Mariya Philip; Ashwaika P V
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease that
affects the lungs of human beings and can even cause
death. It is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus
pneumoniae. There are different types of pneumonia like
bacterial, viral, and covid 19 pneumonia. This mainly
affects children below five years and elderly people.
Chest X-rays are used to diagnose pneumonia and this
needs expert radiotherapists for evaluation. This may
cause a delay in detecting pneumonia which can be lifethreatening. Here comes the need for deep learning
algorithms for analyzing medical images. In this paper,
we use deep learning algorithms like CNN, transfer
learning and ANN in detecting pneumonia and compare
their accuracies to determine which algorithm is better.
Chest X-ray dataset from Guangzhou Women and
Children’s Medical Center is used
Pneumonia is a very dangerous disease that
affects the lungs of human beings and can even cause
death. It is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus
pneumoniae. There are different types of pneumonia like
bacterial, viral, and covid 19 pneumonia. This mainly
affects children below five years and elderly people.
Chest X-rays are used to diagnose pneumonia and this
needs expert radiotherapists for evaluation. This may
cause a delay in detecting pneumonia which can be lifethreatening. Here comes the need for deep learning
algorithms for analyzing medical images. In this paper,
we use deep learning algorithms like CNN, transfer
learning and ANN in detecting pneumonia and compare
their accuracies to determine which algorithm is better.
Chest X-ray dataset from Guangzhou Women and
Children’s Medical Center is used