Authors :
Arvind Kumar Pathak, Yogesh Kumar Tembhurne, Dr. Mohit Gangwar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
As related to straight tubes, helical tubes are more valuable because of its compact construction and it is being most broadly practiced in several heat transfer applications. Enrichment of heat transfer rate due to helical coil heat exchanger has been described by many scholars. The study of this investigation is the comparison between natural fluidand Nanofluid with the help of CFD on aluminium & copper tubes. The Titanium oxide (TiO2) and Zinc oxide (ZnO) is used as nanofluid and water as its base and also used water as a natural fluid. Helical coil was fabricated by bending 1000 mm length of aluminium & copper tube having 8 mm tube diameter and coil diameter is 35 mm and pitch 15mm. The comparison of pressure drop between water, TiO2 and ZnO fluid is found in this analysis. The result indicates that the ZnO have maximum pressure drop in aluminium tube as compared to other fluid and other tubes. Nano fluids have nano particles and the nano particles which have higher density will give higher pressure drop. Thermal conductivity can increases heats transfer in helical coil heat exchangers. The thermal properties of fluid are lesser as compared to nanofluid. Nano fluids have Nano particles of solid materials which increase the thermal properties of Nano fluid also and also because of vortex flow the pressure drop will be increased.
Keywords :
Helical Coil, Heat Exchanger, Nano Fluid, CFD, Pressure Drop.
As related to straight tubes, helical tubes are more valuable because of its compact construction and it is being most broadly practiced in several heat transfer applications. Enrichment of heat transfer rate due to helical coil heat exchanger has been described by many scholars. The study of this investigation is the comparison between natural fluidand Nanofluid with the help of CFD on aluminium & copper tubes. The Titanium oxide (TiO2) and Zinc oxide (ZnO) is used as nanofluid and water as its base and also used water as a natural fluid. Helical coil was fabricated by bending 1000 mm length of aluminium & copper tube having 8 mm tube diameter and coil diameter is 35 mm and pitch 15mm. The comparison of pressure drop between water, TiO2 and ZnO fluid is found in this analysis. The result indicates that the ZnO have maximum pressure drop in aluminium tube as compared to other fluid and other tubes. Nano fluids have nano particles and the nano particles which have higher density will give higher pressure drop. Thermal conductivity can increases heats transfer in helical coil heat exchangers. The thermal properties of fluid are lesser as compared to nanofluid. Nano fluids have Nano particles of solid materials which increase the thermal properties of Nano fluid also and also because of vortex flow the pressure drop will be increased.
Keywords :
Helical Coil, Heat Exchanger, Nano Fluid, CFD, Pressure Drop.