Composite Filter for Treatment of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Waters

Authors : Nwachukwu, M. A; Gilbert, C; NwachukwuJ. I; Nwachukwu, A. N.

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : This paper presents a novel approach to the efficient management of toxic waste water that are often discharged into the environment by petroleum and related industries without treatment posing major threat to both biotic and abiotic organisms.A locally produced model hydrocarbon filter called Composite Hydrocarbon Filter (CHF) with double polymer membrane packs, gravel and sand pads, with membrane life span of between 1-2 years is discovered for treatment of waste water contaminated with hydrocarbons. A very unique characteristic of CHF is its adaptation to discharge pipe of well head or storage tank, customization of the filter membrane, gravel and sand pads for easy replacement and removal of total hydrocarbon compounds (PAH and TPH) from water. CHF,whose major components can be locally sourced and characterized by high end product quality will achieve approximately 100% filtration of hydrocarbon compounds when water contaminated with hydrocarbon is passed through it.The model is been tested at Umuakpara community where well water contaminated by hydrocarbon compounds migrating from the Osisioma NNPC depot waste water pit has contaminated shallow aquifer source of domestic water to the community;threatening life and wellbeing of the people.

This paper presents a novel approach to the efficient management of toxic waste water that are often discharged into the environment by petroleum and related industries without treatment posing major threat to both biotic and abiotic organisms.A locally produced model hydrocarbon filter called Composite Hydrocarbon Filter (CHF) with double polymer membrane packs, gravel and sand pads, with membrane life span of between 1-2 years is discovered for treatment of waste water contaminated with hydrocarbons. A very unique characteristic of CHF is its adaptation to discharge pipe of well head or storage tank, customization of the filter membrane, gravel and sand pads for easy replacement and removal of total hydrocarbon compounds (PAH and TPH) from water. CHF,whose major components can be locally sourced and characterized by high end product quality will achieve approximately 100% filtration of hydrocarbon compounds when water contaminated with hydrocarbon is passed through it.The model is been tested at Umuakpara community where well water contaminated by hydrocarbon compounds migrating from the Osisioma NNPC depot waste water pit has contaminated shallow aquifer source of domestic water to the community;threatening life and wellbeing of the people.

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