Authors :
Ngzika Mbajiorgu; Grace Ukamaka Onyia Eze
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
This study investigated the Conception about
the Origin of Life among secondary School Biology
student’s in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu state. Two
research questions and Two null hypotheses guided the
study. The study adopted ex-post facto design. The
population for the study was four thousand six hundred
and sixty nine (4669) Senior Secondary School two (SSS
2) students in thirty (30) secondary schools, which
comprised twenty (20) co-educational schools, eight (8)
female schools and two (2) male schools in Enugu
Education Zone for 2017/2018 academic session. The
sample of the study was two hundred and forty (240)
Senior Secondary School Two (SSS 2) students in the
nine (9) coeducation secondary schools in Enugu
Education zone for 2017/2018 academic session. The
instrument used for data collection was questionnaire.
Three specialists in Biology education and Measurement
and Evaluation face validated the content of the
instrument. Cronbach Alpha formula 20 was used to
establish the internal consistency of the instrument and
it yielded a coefficient of 0.498. Two hundred and forty
comprising 88 male and 152 female students were used
as sample for the study. Data collected were analyzed
using frequency count and percentages to answer
Research Question 1. Research Questions 2 was
answered using box plots because it shows the
relationship between categorical and ordinal or scale
data. Chi square (χ2
) tests were used to test the
association of the independent variables on conceptions
about the origin of life among secondary school biology
students in Enugu education zone at the 0.05 level of
significance. It was found that Students preferred
creationism/intelligent design over evolution as the
explanation of the origin of life; secondly, that both
females and urban students endorsed intelligent design
over other explanations of the origin of life. Hence, the
study recommended that the serving teachers of Biology
in Senior Secondary Schools should endeavor to help the
students reconcile their conceptions towards biology
theories as it regards to the origin of life.
This study investigated the Conception about
the Origin of Life among secondary School Biology
student’s in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu state. Two
research questions and Two null hypotheses guided the
study. The study adopted ex-post facto design. The
population for the study was four thousand six hundred
and sixty nine (4669) Senior Secondary School two (SSS
2) students in thirty (30) secondary schools, which
comprised twenty (20) co-educational schools, eight (8)
female schools and two (2) male schools in Enugu
Education Zone for 2017/2018 academic session. The
sample of the study was two hundred and forty (240)
Senior Secondary School Two (SSS 2) students in the
nine (9) coeducation secondary schools in Enugu
Education zone for 2017/2018 academic session. The
instrument used for data collection was questionnaire.
Three specialists in Biology education and Measurement
and Evaluation face validated the content of the
instrument. Cronbach Alpha formula 20 was used to
establish the internal consistency of the instrument and
it yielded a coefficient of 0.498. Two hundred and forty
comprising 88 male and 152 female students were used
as sample for the study. Data collected were analyzed
using frequency count and percentages to answer
Research Question 1. Research Questions 2 was
answered using box plots because it shows the
relationship between categorical and ordinal or scale
data. Chi square (χ2
) tests were used to test the
association of the independent variables on conceptions
about the origin of life among secondary school biology
students in Enugu education zone at the 0.05 level of
significance. It was found that Students preferred
creationism/intelligent design over evolution as the
explanation of the origin of life; secondly, that both
females and urban students endorsed intelligent design
over other explanations of the origin of life. Hence, the
study recommended that the serving teachers of Biology
in Senior Secondary Schools should endeavor to help the
students reconcile their conceptions towards biology
theories as it regards to the origin of life.