Conceptual Framework for the Effectiveness of Virtual Economy and Virtual Currencies

Authors : Alastair Smith.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : The study aims to explore virtual economies, their architecture, characteristics, production, distribution and consumption of virtual goods and objects, as well as currencies and exchange mechanisms in virtual economy. The study then moves on to developing a conceptual framework to show how and what functions virtual economies must perform in order to replace real economy.

Keywords : Virtual Economy; Virtual Curerency; Functions of Economy; Effectiveness of Virtual Economy.

The study aims to explore virtual economies, their architecture, characteristics, production, distribution and consumption of virtual goods and objects, as well as currencies and exchange mechanisms in virtual economy. The study then moves on to developing a conceptual framework to show how and what functions virtual economies must perform in order to replace real economy.

Keywords : Virtual Economy; Virtual Curerency; Functions of Economy; Effectiveness of Virtual Economy.

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