Contribution of Women to Sustainable Ecological Development & Climate Solutions

Authors : Ashrita Kandulna; Dr. Anita kumari

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Women have played a vital and often overlooked role in advancing sustainable ecological development and finding climate solutions. Their contributions span various sectors and are crucial in building a more resilient and environmentally conscious world. This summary highlights some key areas where women have made a significant impact. Women have historically been connected to nature as caretakers and gatherers. Their intimate relationship with the environment has driven them to champion conservation efforts, biodiversity protection, and sustainable resource management. Whether through grassroots initiatives, advocacy, or community-driven projects, women have been at the forefront of protecting the planet's ecological balance. In many regions, women are the backbone of agricultural activities. They have played a pivotal role in promoting sustainable farming practices, agroecology, and organic farming. Their emphasis on biodiversity, soil health, and crop diversity helps reduce the ecological footprint of agriculture and ensures food security for communities. Recognizing and empowering women's contributions is vital for sustainable ecological development and climate solutions. Gender equality and inclusivity in decision-making processes are essential for creating holistic and effective responses to the challenges posed by climate change. By amplifying women's voices, promoting their leadership, and ensuring equal access to resources, we can harness their potential to build a more sustainable and resilient future for all. In this paper, contribution of women is highlighted and how the various literature is talking about their impact on ecological development & climate solutions.

Keywords : Sustainable Ecological Development, Ecological Development, Women Contribution

Women have played a vital and often overlooked role in advancing sustainable ecological development and finding climate solutions. Their contributions span various sectors and are crucial in building a more resilient and environmentally conscious world. This summary highlights some key areas where women have made a significant impact. Women have historically been connected to nature as caretakers and gatherers. Their intimate relationship with the environment has driven them to champion conservation efforts, biodiversity protection, and sustainable resource management. Whether through grassroots initiatives, advocacy, or community-driven projects, women have been at the forefront of protecting the planet's ecological balance. In many regions, women are the backbone of agricultural activities. They have played a pivotal role in promoting sustainable farming practices, agroecology, and organic farming. Their emphasis on biodiversity, soil health, and crop diversity helps reduce the ecological footprint of agriculture and ensures food security for communities. Recognizing and empowering women's contributions is vital for sustainable ecological development and climate solutions. Gender equality and inclusivity in decision-making processes are essential for creating holistic and effective responses to the challenges posed by climate change. By amplifying women's voices, promoting their leadership, and ensuring equal access to resources, we can harness their potential to build a more sustainable and resilient future for all. In this paper, contribution of women is highlighted and how the various literature is talking about their impact on ecological development & climate solutions.

Keywords : Sustainable Ecological Development, Ecological Development, Women Contribution

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