Control of a Three-Port Converter Based on Interleaved-Boost-Full-Bridge for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems

Authors : Priyadarshini N, Arpitha Raju B

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Control of a three-port (TPC) converter based on interleaved-boost-full-bridge with pulse-widthmodulation and phase-shift control for hybrid renewable energy systems. In the proposed topology, the switches are driven by phase-shifted PWM signals, where both phase angle and duty cycle are controlled variables. The power flow between the two inputs is controlled through the duty cycle, whereas the output voltage can be regulated effectively through the phase shift. The primary circuit of the converter functions as a interleaved boost converter and provides a power flow path between the ports on the primary side, while the third port provides the power balance in the system ports. The full bridge three port converter is designed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The output parameters such as output voltage was obtained.

Keywords : three port converter; interleaved boost converter; phase shift and duty cycle; renewable systems;

Control of a three-port (TPC) converter based on interleaved-boost-full-bridge with pulse-widthmodulation and phase-shift control for hybrid renewable energy systems. In the proposed topology, the switches are driven by phase-shifted PWM signals, where both phase angle and duty cycle are controlled variables. The power flow between the two inputs is controlled through the duty cycle, whereas the output voltage can be regulated effectively through the phase shift. The primary circuit of the converter functions as a interleaved boost converter and provides a power flow path between the ports on the primary side, while the third port provides the power balance in the system ports. The full bridge three port converter is designed and simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The output parameters such as output voltage was obtained.

Keywords : three port converter; interleaved boost converter; phase shift and duty cycle; renewable systems;

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