Coping with Stress in Adolescents

Authors : María Isabel Gañay-Salto; Isabel Cristina Mesa-Cano; Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Mental problems affect the quality of life of adolescents, disturbing their daily activities, their intellectual and interpersonal development, causing psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. This research was conducted in order to determine the stress coping of adolescents of the Nelson Izquierdo School, it was observational, analytical, cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 249 students, with a sample of 100 students. The assessment was carried out with the application of a survey with sociodemographic variables, Stress Coping questionnaire and the STAI State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire, which consists of 40 items that evaluate independent concepts of anxiety, through a descriptive analysis with percentages, frequencies, measures of central tendency, normality test by Shapiro Wilk, with parametric tests for the correlation between stress and coping dimensions, through the correlation coefficient an analysis of difference of means was carried out by Student's T-test, the results obtained were: 53% male and 47% female, the representative age was 16 years with 27%, after the analysis it was concluded that there is no relationship between stress coping with age, number of siblings, state anxiety and trait anxiety, there is greater stress coping in the female sex

Keywords : Stress, Coping, Anxiety, Symptoms, Adolescent,

Mental problems affect the quality of life of adolescents, disturbing their daily activities, their intellectual and interpersonal development, causing psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. This research was conducted in order to determine the stress coping of adolescents of the Nelson Izquierdo School, it was observational, analytical, cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 249 students, with a sample of 100 students. The assessment was carried out with the application of a survey with sociodemographic variables, Stress Coping questionnaire and the STAI State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire, which consists of 40 items that evaluate independent concepts of anxiety, through a descriptive analysis with percentages, frequencies, measures of central tendency, normality test by Shapiro Wilk, with parametric tests for the correlation between stress and coping dimensions, through the correlation coefficient an analysis of difference of means was carried out by Student's T-test, the results obtained were: 53% male and 47% female, the representative age was 16 years with 27%, after the analysis it was concluded that there is no relationship between stress coping with age, number of siblings, state anxiety and trait anxiety, there is greater stress coping in the female sex

Keywords : Stress, Coping, Anxiety, Symptoms, Adolescent,

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