Covid 19 Pandemic Impact on Social Relations

Authors : Deepak Choube; Dr. Mamta Bansal; Mandeep Narang

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : COVID 19 crisis has been one of the most testing and trying non- military catastrophes that mankind is facing. It has crossed the boundaries of nations, class, creed, religion and economy thus affecting every single human being on the earth. The research is still on to gauge and judge the impact of COVID19 Pandemic crisis on different dimensions related to humans. Impact on social relations is one such area that needs a de- novo look to ascertain the change in the fabric of the society that this pandemic has brought.

Keywords : COVID 19 Pandemic, Impact on Social relations, Awareness about COVID, Effect on daily life due to COVID, Changes in society due to COVID, Measures to deal with COVID,

COVID 19 crisis has been one of the most testing and trying non- military catastrophes that mankind is facing. It has crossed the boundaries of nations, class, creed, religion and economy thus affecting every single human being on the earth. The research is still on to gauge and judge the impact of COVID19 Pandemic crisis on different dimensions related to humans. Impact on social relations is one such area that needs a de- novo look to ascertain the change in the fabric of the society that this pandemic has brought.

Keywords : COVID 19 Pandemic, Impact on Social relations, Awareness about COVID, Effect on daily life due to COVID, Changes in society due to COVID, Measures to deal with COVID,

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