Dami Jackfruit: Can It Be Made Into Jackfruit - Floss?

Authors : Pramudito; Amalia Mustika; Faiza Rachim

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3JDe3qU

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6969541

Abstract : The community in Indonesia knows about the Floss or Abon as a food menu, either as a side dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. People are familiar with shredded raw materials from beef, chicken, fish, and even buffalo. This study aims to use “Dami Jackfruit” to reduce waste that is rarely used by the community because we know that people consider “Dami Jackfruit” as waste that is not suitable for consumption because it does not have a sweet taste like Jackfruit. The research method used in this research is the experimental method and the organoleptic tests to find out the quality of the Abon, through a hedonic test. The results stated that 100% Dami Jackfruit Floss was acceptable to the community in the Taste category.

Keywords : Jackfruit, Dami Jackfruit, Floss.

The community in Indonesia knows about the Floss or Abon as a food menu, either as a side dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. People are familiar with shredded raw materials from beef, chicken, fish, and even buffalo. This study aims to use “Dami Jackfruit” to reduce waste that is rarely used by the community because we know that people consider “Dami Jackfruit” as waste that is not suitable for consumption because it does not have a sweet taste like Jackfruit. The research method used in this research is the experimental method and the organoleptic tests to find out the quality of the Abon, through a hedonic test. The results stated that 100% Dami Jackfruit Floss was acceptable to the community in the Taste category.

Keywords : Jackfruit, Dami Jackfruit, Floss.

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