Authors :
Carlos Daniel Rivas Kubler
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
This study began because of the necessity to
know how the traditional light well works and arrive to a
simple rule that architects can apply at the moment of
designing buildings, mainly multi-storey apartment
buildings, in which except for bathrooms, all rooms need
an outdoors relation.
This is important not only because it involves
architectural problems but also legal ones, we don’t have
to forget that light wells are usually common areas in
multi-storey apartment buildings and each one of the
apartment owners has rights over them, for this reason,
the simplest solution would be the best.
Some of the conclusion from this investigation were:
A compact form of the light well is the best way to
optimize daylighting.
Both sides of light wells provide the same
illumination for their windows despite the proportion of
the sides.
One big light well provides better illumination
rather than many small light wells that sum the same
These conclusions can be taken as considerations
architects can use at the moment of designing because
they give a simple tool to proportion light wells and
design the rooms around them.
Also, this study arrives to other conclusions, first
that it is not possible to use a rule of three in order to
study daylighting with scaled models; and that the decay
of illumination inside light wells is not constant, there is a
small decay in the top and a very pronounced in the
Those conclusions are important because this work
was thought to be the first step for further experiments
with much more sophisticated models and equipment,
and also more expensive, so a well-done budget based on
the design of models on bigger scales is needed.
Although nowadays the use of computer simulations
in order to study daylighting has many advantages, such
as cost and time, the most reliable conclusion can only be
obtained from an experiment because as it was known
since the first days of computing, the machine only will
solve the equations and follow the program, it will depend
on the data and the program gave by humans if the result
is correct.
Keywords :
Light Well, Void, Courtyard, Daylight, Scaled Models.
This study began because of the necessity to
know how the traditional light well works and arrive to a
simple rule that architects can apply at the moment of
designing buildings, mainly multi-storey apartment
buildings, in which except for bathrooms, all rooms need
an outdoors relation.
This is important not only because it involves
architectural problems but also legal ones, we don’t have
to forget that light wells are usually common areas in
multi-storey apartment buildings and each one of the
apartment owners has rights over them, for this reason,
the simplest solution would be the best.
Some of the conclusion from this investigation were:
A compact form of the light well is the best way to
optimize daylighting.
Both sides of light wells provide the same
illumination for their windows despite the proportion of
the sides.
One big light well provides better illumination
rather than many small light wells that sum the same
These conclusions can be taken as considerations
architects can use at the moment of designing because
they give a simple tool to proportion light wells and
design the rooms around them.
Also, this study arrives to other conclusions, first
that it is not possible to use a rule of three in order to
study daylighting with scaled models; and that the decay
of illumination inside light wells is not constant, there is a
small decay in the top and a very pronounced in the
Those conclusions are important because this work
was thought to be the first step for further experiments
with much more sophisticated models and equipment,
and also more expensive, so a well-done budget based on
the design of models on bigger scales is needed.
Although nowadays the use of computer simulations
in order to study daylighting has many advantages, such
as cost and time, the most reliable conclusion can only be
obtained from an experiment because as it was known
since the first days of computing, the machine only will
solve the equations and follow the program, it will depend
on the data and the program gave by humans if the result
is correct.
Keywords :
Light Well, Void, Courtyard, Daylight, Scaled Models.