Authors :
Nabanita Saikia; Dr. Barnali Thakuria
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The study of social development involves the
improvement of human quality of life by civilizing the
social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental
conditions of a nation. The indicator Healthy Literate
Working life expectancy (HLWLE) combines the human
quality of life such as healthy, literate, and working factors
in a single index. To describe the difference in HLWLE
over two different periods or genders; we have analyzed
the decomposition of the change in healthy literate
working life expectancy for India and its selected states.
Das Gupta (1993) four-factor cases method is used for the
decomposition of the change in the number of person-years
lived with healthy, literate, and working states. The
analysis of the decomposition of sex differences in India
shows that males could expect to live a better life with a
healthy, literate, and working condition as compared to
that of females. This may be due to the improvement in the
employment and the literacy condition of males than that
of females. An increase in the life expectancy of females
has not translated fully into working and literate life years.
The finding of the study highlights the importance of
Government and Non-Government involvement towards
the improvement of literacy and work force participation,
especially among females. Again, decomposing the
difference between HLW life years between 2001 and 2011
gives a paramount conclusion that emerged from the study
is that the state Punjab portrays the issue of
unemployment among both the sexes. This should be
considered as the greatest concern by the policy makers.
Keywords :
Decomposition; Healthy Effect; Literacy Effect, Working Effet, Life Expectancy
The study of social development involves the
improvement of human quality of life by civilizing the
social, economic, cultural, political, and environmental
conditions of a nation. The indicator Healthy Literate
Working life expectancy (HLWLE) combines the human
quality of life such as healthy, literate, and working factors
in a single index. To describe the difference in HLWLE
over two different periods or genders; we have analyzed
the decomposition of the change in healthy literate
working life expectancy for India and its selected states.
Das Gupta (1993) four-factor cases method is used for the
decomposition of the change in the number of person-years
lived with healthy, literate, and working states. The
analysis of the decomposition of sex differences in India
shows that males could expect to live a better life with a
healthy, literate, and working condition as compared to
that of females. This may be due to the improvement in the
employment and the literacy condition of males than that
of females. An increase in the life expectancy of females
has not translated fully into working and literate life years.
The finding of the study highlights the importance of
Government and Non-Government involvement towards
the improvement of literacy and work force participation,
especially among females. Again, decomposing the
difference between HLW life years between 2001 and 2011
gives a paramount conclusion that emerged from the study
is that the state Punjab portrays the issue of
unemployment among both the sexes. This should be
considered as the greatest concern by the policy makers.
Keywords :
Decomposition; Healthy Effect; Literacy Effect, Working Effet, Life Expectancy