Authors :
Julia Dance Setyowati; Rasipin; Bedjo Santoso; Supriyana; Lanny Sunarjo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Prevention of dental and oral diseases has been
widely done with promotional and preventive efforts but
has not succeeded in improving dental health
maintenance behavior in adolescence. The strategy of
addressing this problem is through a conventional
approach to dental health education. But there are still
obstacles such as easily damaged, the message delivered is
not delivered in full because sometimes there are only
pictures without captions. education is influenced by
interesting media so that the delivery of materials is more
effective. The educational media that is developing today
among teenagers is technology-based media. The Purpose
to produce an android-based dental and oral disease
education model as a medium of dental health education
and analyze the effectiveness of android-based education
models in improving the behavior of maintaining the
health of adolescents' teeth and mouths. The Research
Method use Research and Development (R&D) and test
model using quasy experiment (pre and post-test with
control group design). The study subjects were divided
into 2 groups: the intervention of 45 children and the
control of 45 children. The data was tested using wilcoxon
test and mann-whitney test. Result: Android-based
education model is worthy as a medium of dental health
education (p=0.004) and effectively improves adolescent
knowledge (p=0.002), adolescent attitudes (p=0.01) and is
effective on information quality (p=<0.001). Conclusion:
Android-based education has the potential to increase the
knowledge of maintaining the health of adolescents' teeth
and mouths.
Keywords :
Education, Android, Dental And Oral Diseases, Adolescent
Prevention of dental and oral diseases has been
widely done with promotional and preventive efforts but
has not succeeded in improving dental health
maintenance behavior in adolescence. The strategy of
addressing this problem is through a conventional
approach to dental health education. But there are still
obstacles such as easily damaged, the message delivered is
not delivered in full because sometimes there are only
pictures without captions. education is influenced by
interesting media so that the delivery of materials is more
effective. The educational media that is developing today
among teenagers is technology-based media. The Purpose
to produce an android-based dental and oral disease
education model as a medium of dental health education
and analyze the effectiveness of android-based education
models in improving the behavior of maintaining the
health of adolescents' teeth and mouths. The Research
Method use Research and Development (R&D) and test
model using quasy experiment (pre and post-test with
control group design). The study subjects were divided
into 2 groups: the intervention of 45 children and the
control of 45 children. The data was tested using wilcoxon
test and mann-whitney test. Result: Android-based
education model is worthy as a medium of dental health
education (p=0.004) and effectively improves adolescent
knowledge (p=0.002), adolescent attitudes (p=0.01) and is
effective on information quality (p=<0.001). Conclusion:
Android-based education has the potential to increase the
knowledge of maintaining the health of adolescents' teeth
and mouths.
Keywords :
Education, Android, Dental And Oral Diseases, Adolescent