Dental Considerations in Patient’s with Infectious Disease

Authors : Dr. Kumari M; Dr. K V,Sai Charan; Dr gayathri

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The rapid transportation methods are abundant in this century, so there islike hood of increasing infections being imported into countries though, some infectious disease are under control by continuous research effort and vaccination ,the new pathogens getting increased on other side. The dental professionals come in close contact with infectious patients during the dental procedures. This paper emphasizes about precautions to taken by the dentist to prevent them, also preventing the transmission of infectious disease to other patients and adding sound knowledge of viral, bacterial and fungal disease.

Keywords : Infection, Bacteria, Protocol, Sterilization, Prevention.

The rapid transportation methods are abundant in this century, so there islike hood of increasing infections being imported into countries though, some infectious disease are under control by continuous research effort and vaccination ,the new pathogens getting increased on other side. The dental professionals come in close contact with infectious patients during the dental procedures. This paper emphasizes about precautions to taken by the dentist to prevent them, also preventing the transmission of infectious disease to other patients and adding sound knowledge of viral, bacterial and fungal disease.

Keywords : Infection, Bacteria, Protocol, Sterilization, Prevention.

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