Authors :
Shaik.Waheed; P. Vivek Vardhan; D. Chetan Reddy; B. Vijay Krishna
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Sheet metal forming is one of the widely used
processes in the automobile and aerospace industries.
This project represents the analysis of the sheet metal
forming process mainly deep drawing. ANSYS simulation
is being executed to achieve the results of extreme
behavior of the product. The main objective of this project
is to do the static analysis on the deep drawing operation
for a utility cup. The theoretical value will give the
dimension of die and punch. From the values obtained, a
CAD model is generated in CATIA, making use of the
dimensions. This assembly is then converted into the .stp
format to import that file into ANSYS. From the
simulation, deformation can be obtained; that force
required for developing the part.
Keywords :
Ansys, Catia, Deep Drawing, Metal Forming.
References :
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Sheet metal forming is one of the widely used
processes in the automobile and aerospace industries.
This project represents the analysis of the sheet metal
forming process mainly deep drawing. ANSYS simulation
is being executed to achieve the results of extreme
behavior of the product. The main objective of this project
is to do the static analysis on the deep drawing operation
for a utility cup. The theoretical value will give the
dimension of die and punch. From the values obtained, a
CAD model is generated in CATIA, making use of the
dimensions. This assembly is then converted into the .stp
format to import that file into ANSYS. From the
simulation, deformation can be obtained; that force
required for developing the part.
Keywords :
Ansys, Catia, Deep Drawing, Metal Forming.