Design and Implementation of Automatic Engine Off and Theft Detection of Vehicle

Authors : Dr.K.Venugopal Rao; P. Akhila; G. Madhu; P. Navya; M. Manoj

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : In recent times property theft has become a major concern. Vechile theft is at the top of the list and happens frequently everywhere in the world. several technologies are developing in response to this problem, and new approaches are being created to find a solution. Since burglars are now aware of the techniques used in vehicle theft detection, they attempt to compromise the system in order to take the vehicle. This paper proposes to enhance vehicle safety by integrating alcohol detection, obstacle avoidance, and theft detection systems. The alcohol detection system ensures responsible driving by monitoring the driver's alcohol level, while the obstacle avoidance mechanism uses sensors to detect obstacles and navigate the vehicle accordingly. Additionally, a theft detection system employs sensors to identify unauthorized access. Upon detection of alcohol influence or potential theft, the system triggers an automatic engine shutdown and activates a buzzer for alerting authorities, promoting safer driving practices and enhancing vehicle security.

Keywords : Vehicle Theft, GSM, Arduino, Sensors.

In recent times property theft has become a major concern. Vechile theft is at the top of the list and happens frequently everywhere in the world. several technologies are developing in response to this problem, and new approaches are being created to find a solution. Since burglars are now aware of the techniques used in vehicle theft detection, they attempt to compromise the system in order to take the vehicle. This paper proposes to enhance vehicle safety by integrating alcohol detection, obstacle avoidance, and theft detection systems. The alcohol detection system ensures responsible driving by monitoring the driver's alcohol level, while the obstacle avoidance mechanism uses sensors to detect obstacles and navigate the vehicle accordingly. Additionally, a theft detection system employs sensors to identify unauthorized access. Upon detection of alcohol influence or potential theft, the system triggers an automatic engine shutdown and activates a buzzer for alerting authorities, promoting safer driving practices and enhancing vehicle security.

Keywords : Vehicle Theft, GSM, Arduino, Sensors.


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