Authors :
Ch. Desi Kusmindari; Isdaryanto; Shafa Tri Prihartini
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
In general, the tables that are used by traders
selling chicken that currently do not have an ergonomic
design; therefore this table design research was
conducted to determine the wants and needs of the
traders for the table. After conducting a search using a
Nordic Body Map questionnaire, 10 people were
distributed to chicken traders in Soakbato Market. It was
found that the traders experienced many complaints on
the neck, back, lower back and calves. the authors are
interested in doing research on ergonomic table designs
and according to the wishes and needs of chicken traders
who can help make it easier for traders to do their work
using the Quality Function Deployment method and the
Anthropometric method. achieved, it can be concluded as
follows, namely the main priority is the first thing that
needs to be improved is the selection of the table form
with the priority percentage value of 51.26%, the 2nd
priority of making the table the priority percent value of
30.57%, and the 3rd priority component selection the
priority percent value is 18.17%. The Chicken Trader
table has a table length of 184.18cm, a table height of
103.23 and a table width of 77.36.
Keywords :
Nordic Body Map, Quality Function Deployment, Antropometri, Desk, House Of Quality Introduction.
In general, the tables that are used by traders
selling chicken that currently do not have an ergonomic
design; therefore this table design research was
conducted to determine the wants and needs of the
traders for the table. After conducting a search using a
Nordic Body Map questionnaire, 10 people were
distributed to chicken traders in Soakbato Market. It was
found that the traders experienced many complaints on
the neck, back, lower back and calves. the authors are
interested in doing research on ergonomic table designs
and according to the wishes and needs of chicken traders
who can help make it easier for traders to do their work
using the Quality Function Deployment method and the
Anthropometric method. achieved, it can be concluded as
follows, namely the main priority is the first thing that
needs to be improved is the selection of the table form
with the priority percentage value of 51.26%, the 2nd
priority of making the table the priority percent value of
30.57%, and the 3rd priority component selection the
priority percent value is 18.17%. The Chicken Trader
table has a table length of 184.18cm, a table height of
103.23 and a table width of 77.36.
Keywords :
Nordic Body Map, Quality Function Deployment, Antropometri, Desk, House Of Quality Introduction.