Design Thinking Approach to Overcoming Challenges in Integrating Technology in the Classroom: A Case Study of Gbarnga School District Bong County, Liberia

Authors : Shemaiah W. G. Dolo.; Mogana S. Flomo, Jr.

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : Education technology (EdTech) is increasingly recognized as a means to improve educational outcomes, yet its effective integration faces challenges in resource- constrained contexts like the Gbarnga School District in Liberia. This study investigates these challenges and proposes solutions. Through surveys and comparative analysis, perceptions of technology integration are examined, revealing nuanced opinions among educators. Findings indicate significant barriers including infrastructure limitations, inadequate teacher training, and socio-economic disparities. Notably, 46% of respondents view technology integration as highly beneficial, while 19.36% perceive it as detrimental. Recommendations include infrastructure investment, ongoing professional development, and policy advocacy. By addressing these challenges, stakeholders can create an enabling environment that leverages technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences, empowering students for success in the digital age.

Keywords : Keywords and Definition:-  Education is a multifaceted process that encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It is a lifelong journey of learning and personal development that occurs through formal schooling, informal experiences, and self-directed exploration. Education empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances. UNESCO, (2015)  Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge, tools, and techniques to create, modify, or enhance products, processes, or systems for specific purposes. It encompasses a wide range of artifacts, methods, and practices that enable humans to achieve practical goals and address challenges in various domains, Rouse, M. (Ed.). (2020).  Integration refers to the process of combining or incorporating separate elements, systems, or entities into a unified whole, often to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, or functionality. In various contexts, integration can involve merging disparate components, coordinating activities, or synthesizing diverse perspectives to achieve cohesive outcomes, Mergel, I. (1998).  Education Technology, often abbreviated as EdTech, refers to the use of digital tools, resources, and platforms to enhance teaching, learning, and educational outcomes. It encompasses a diverse range of technologies, including computers, tablets, software applications, educational websites, multimedia resources, and online learning environments, all designed to support and facilitate educational processes. Bates & Sangrà ( 2011)

Education technology (EdTech) is increasingly recognized as a means to improve educational outcomes, yet its effective integration faces challenges in resource- constrained contexts like the Gbarnga School District in Liberia. This study investigates these challenges and proposes solutions. Through surveys and comparative analysis, perceptions of technology integration are examined, revealing nuanced opinions among educators. Findings indicate significant barriers including infrastructure limitations, inadequate teacher training, and socio-economic disparities. Notably, 46% of respondents view technology integration as highly beneficial, while 19.36% perceive it as detrimental. Recommendations include infrastructure investment, ongoing professional development, and policy advocacy. By addressing these challenges, stakeholders can create an enabling environment that leverages technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences, empowering students for success in the digital age.

Keywords : Keywords and Definition:-  Education is a multifaceted process that encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It is a lifelong journey of learning and personal development that occurs through formal schooling, informal experiences, and self-directed exploration. Education empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances. UNESCO, (2015)  Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge, tools, and techniques to create, modify, or enhance products, processes, or systems for specific purposes. It encompasses a wide range of artifacts, methods, and practices that enable humans to achieve practical goals and address challenges in various domains, Rouse, M. (Ed.). (2020).  Integration refers to the process of combining or incorporating separate elements, systems, or entities into a unified whole, often to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, or functionality. In various contexts, integration can involve merging disparate components, coordinating activities, or synthesizing diverse perspectives to achieve cohesive outcomes, Mergel, I. (1998).  Education Technology, often abbreviated as EdTech, refers to the use of digital tools, resources, and platforms to enhance teaching, learning, and educational outcomes. It encompasses a diverse range of technologies, including computers, tablets, software applications, educational websites, multimedia resources, and online learning environments, all designed to support and facilitate educational processes. Bates & Sangrà ( 2011)


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